Visiting Other Churches?

Visiting Churches - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 21st Feb, 2006 - 10:55pm

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Post Date: 22nd Jan, 2005 - 5:29pm / Post ID: #

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Visiting Other Churches?


You're on a vacation or a business trip and attending a church of your own faith isn't possible. Do you: A. Skip church altogether, or B. Go to a different faith's service?

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Post Date: 22nd Jan, 2005 - 5:56pm / Post ID: #

Visiting Other Churches?
A Friend

Churches Visiting

Maybe I have not the most competent opinion on this ( becouse my religion beliefs) but I found it rewording to attend different services. It brings a feeling of universality in my heart and reminds me that is so little difference between all of us and we are still arguing about them.

22nd Jan, 2005 - 6:42pm / Post ID: #

Visiting Other Churches? Beliefs Religious General

I have attended many different churches of many different religious beliefs, so going to a church of a different faith while on a trip would not bother me in the least. I remember when I visited with some of my wife's family in Arizona, and we went to church with them. It was very refreshing to see a different type of service, etc and I didn't feel in the least bit like I didn't belong. So I would have to answer B. Go to a different faith's service.

Post Date: 22nd Jan, 2005 - 7:14pm / Post ID: #

Visiting Other Churches?
A Friend

Churches Visiting

  The Rev. Art Ritter of Salt Lake's First Congregational Church said...that [one thing you can get from visiting other churches is], "It reinforces the idea of how we should treat out visitors... Being a visitor, you know what it feels like, which means you may be more friendly to a visitor at your own church."

First, I thought that this was an excellent point that the article made. Even through experiences of visiting churches within my own faith that were not my home church has taught me to try to notice visitors more and make an effort to welcome them and offer any assistance. I am a bit torn on the issue of visiting churches of other faiths, though. I have been to many different denominations in my life and they helped me to be more well rounded in my knowledge of different religions as well as help me to recognize what I feel to be the true church when I found it. It was a good experience for me to have 'shopped around.' When I go home I have at times visited the Catholic church, which I used to be a member of, with family. I don't usually do that anymore, only because I visit my church there (the original church of my faith that I joined), but I am not averse to going if I feel prompted to do so. There are always things to be learned from others and visiting other churches can broaden our perspectives.

I agree with the article also in saying that the LDS church does not support visiting other dominations that either run during the time of a member's meetings at their home church, and, if I understood it correctly, that attending meetings of other faiths other than attending their own is ideal when possible. Now, I want to say that I believe that most churches are good and teach its members to be kind to their neighbor and to add what good that person can contribute to the world. In saying that, members of one particular denomination have the possibility of agreeing with the doctrine of a different church when visiting with a different faith. This can be a good thing if that particular faith promotes 1) doctrine closer to the truth found in scriptures and teaches correct principles (of course what scriptures is debatable by many) 2) how we treat each other is very important 3) tolerance and love is vitally important in this world 4) and I really think personally that the doctrine of repentance is important . Visiting another faith can also run the risk of being harmful if what is being taught is not good, wholesome, and uplifting. Who gets to decide which category a particular faith falls into? You do, hopefully through the use of common sense, study, pondering, research, discussion with others, and even the use of sincere prayer. This is all just my opinion, of course. In summation, I do feel that visiting other faiths is usually a good thing.

22nd Jan, 2005 - 8:58pm / Post ID: #

Churches Visiting

This is a tough one for me, personally. If I am unwilling to attend another's church meeting, why should I expect them to attend mine?

Yet, I don't generally get anything spiritual out of a non-fundamentalist Protestant church. I find the meetings pretty bland. That is just how I feel. I recognize others find them spiritual. I do not wish to offend, I am just stating how they affect me, personally.

If I go to a fundamentalist Protestant church, I do believe I can be spiritually uplifted (I find their television preachers uplifting), but they don't view me as christian, and I find that insulting. So, I wouldn't be comfortable there. What would I do if that day happened to be the day they chose to preach against "Mormonism?" Not a far fetched possibility. It happens with the TV preachers often enough. With that, I can change the channel.

I have attended Catholic mass in the past. I was a practicing Catholic for many years. I find the mass too ritualistic for my tastes. Again, not meaning any offense.

So, for me. I would probably stay home. Now, this is all based on the unavailability of my church being a temporary thing. If I lived somewhere for any great length of time, I would need to rethink my position because I do believe in "communion with the Saints" being an important part of spiritual well being.

21st Feb, 2006 - 10:55pm / Post ID: #

Visiting Other Churches?

personally, if my own church was temporarily unavailable I would go to another church of another faith, but only one that I would feel happy attending. I am going to have to make this choice in a few weeks when I go on holiday. I have heard that the area I am visiting only has only 1 church, so it looks like if I want to attend a church meeting while I am away, I'm not going to be able be too fussy. (let's hope the service is in English) *smile*

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