China Shows No Signs of Abandoning One-Child Abortion Policy
Last week, some rumblings in the international community included rumors that China may be looking at abandoning its one-child policy. Reggie Littlejohn of Women's Rights Without Frontiers emailed LifeNews to confirm that is no the case.
The fact that the Chinese Communist Party is considering the possibility of folding the family planning agency into the Ministry of Health is an inadequate basis on which to herald the end of the One Child Policy. There is no mention of the eradication of the policy; merely the streamlining of its administration. Ref. Source 7
Father of "Illegal" Child Under One-Child Policy Kills Family Planning Officials
Two Family Planning Officials were killed and four suffered injuries Tuesday after a man attacked their office, reported state-run Chinese media. Reports said the man, a father of four, carried knives into the Dongxing City Family Planning Bureau after officials refused to register his over-quota child. Ref. Source 7
Chinese Woman Victimized by Forced Abortion at Nine Months of Pregnancy
A new report from a top international human rights group indicates a Chinese woman has come forward to share the nightmarish details of her forced abortion at nine months of pregnancy.
According to a Chinese news report, Lili Zeng from Youshan Borough, Xinfeng County, Guangdong Province in China, was forcibly aborted at nine months. Her baby boy was born alive and died in her arms. Ref. Source 8
Chinese Government Collected $2 Billion in One-Child Policy Fines in 2012
Fifteen provinces in China collected a total of $2 billion (12.8 billion Chinese yuan) in fines last year for violations of the One-Child Policy, according to a study by 21st Century Business Herald, as reported by state-controlled outlet China Daily. Ref. Source 6
336 Million Abortions Have Taken Place in China Under the One-Child Policy
With its announcement of possible reforms, China has implicitly admitted its forty year-old one child per-family policy has been a failure.
The rules led to draconian abuses. There were an estimated 336 million abortions, including forced abortions and sterilizations at the hands of a powerful and intrusive family planning establishment controlling the most intimate aspects of Chinese life. Ref. Source 6
Chinese Woman Forced to Abort at 18 Weeks, Baby's Body Decayed From Heavy Drugs
This week is Women's Rights Week, which is a good opportunity to become aware of the state of women's rights around the world. Among all countries, China, with its one-child policy and forced abortion rates, is perhaps the most out of touch with women's rights.
This story highlights the strides that have yet to be made in modern-day China. At the end of the piece, we"ll tell you how you can get involved in the fight for women's rights in China. Ref. Source 1