MusicMatch Jukebox is the best utility I have found for name, organizing, and playing your MP3's. MM allows you to re-tag all of your songs appropriately so that you can properly organize them into categorizes of your choosing. You can mass re-tag and mass re-name your music files easily and very quickly have your entire music library in perfect order and all right in front of you at the tip of your fingers! If you like to purchase movies online, there is an integrated online library from which you can purchase new songs or entire CD's. A must for everyone who has an MP3 collection.
I used to have MusicMatch Jukebox installed on my pc at home, but then I started working with Real Media files and found that Real Player had most if not all the capabilities of MusicMatch while at the same time allowing me to work with the Real Media files that I had. So I made the switch from MusicMatch to Real Player. Real Player also has a built-in DVD player. Does MusicMatch have the same?
We are now using iTunes. It is really nice. I haven't tried to rip any discs yet, or try to do mass changes, so I can't discuss those features.
I purchased a license to Musicmatch Jukebox. When we had to reinstall Windows on the computer, I tried to use the same license. Didn't work. Seems that Jukebox is a subscription system, so if you want the full version, you have to pay $50 each year.
I'll stick with WMP and iTunes.