Rather off topic, but… Vincenzo mentioned egypt. This is another topic but Egypt most definitely cannot be considered democratic. From what I have read and heard from egyptian friends Mubarak is more closer to a dictator. |
I definitely wouldn't call Iran or most any other country in that region a Democracy. My point was more that over time we have distorted what true democracy really means. Democratic republics, democratic republics with a monarchy, democratic elected federalist republics, constitutional democratic republics… it just goes on and on. The thing is that they are all variations on a idea of democracy and they don't all match and some are quite different. The other thing that I was stressing is that even in what some may think are extreme theocracies, theocratic republics or even theocratic monarchies, there are some elements of democracy floating around in them.
The key point to why most in the west would say that Islam is against democracy is that western democracies have worked hard at distancing religion from ruling the government. Again, this is not to say that morals forged from religion do not play a role in how governments rule and act. This is in direct conflict to how islamic republics work. They not only embrace religion in the government… it is law. So if I put the shoe on the other foot, as they say, I can see how theocracies and theocratic republics believe that they are using democracy side by side with religion to govern. Meanwhile, western governments will say that these are religious dictatorships.
As to the question is Islam against democracy, I believe it is. Every other Religion has gone through their "Reformation" where the most violent aspects of their religion have been reformed out. Judaism had its violent era and has changed, Christianity had its violent era and has changed, but Islam has been in its violent era for 400 years and still is. Islam needs to go through its own "Reformation" in order to allow democracy to flourish.
Until that portion of Islam that requires conversion by the sword or gets violently offended (Yelling allah ackbar as they separate a jewish or christian head from their bodies or call for the death of someone writing a fictional novel about the Islam) when someone makes a disparaging comment about their prophet or religion is eliminated or reforms, there will always be concern and suspicion about the Islamic Faith.
I believe and am heartened by the fact that in The United States and some European countries Muslims live peacably with their neighbors (Not so in most of the world). They have shown that islam can be a "Religion of peace". It is a great beginning, but those peaceful muslims need to become the Leaders of the islamic faith and not defend in any way Muslims who are violent in their religion.