I wonder though, would this be more based on prayer or an actual priesthood blessing considering that 1. how would you address the animal and 2. blessings are usually asked for and not just given out at will. Neither of these can any animal have unless you have named the animal beforehand.
Name: Ken
Comments: I home teach a lady that just happened to ask me and my home teaching companion a couple of weeks ago for a blessing on her pet cat, We told her we couldn't do that, but that we would pray for the cat at the end of our visit and thats what we did.
I have wondered about giving an animal a blessing and thats why I did a Google search on the subject. I still have doubts about it, at least in my case, but I'm just curious what the official church rules are. By the way, I'm glad I found this site.
I don't see any harm in blessing sick animals if we are sincere. I found the following exerpt on the subject:
Terrible weather and lack of preparation caused people and animals much suffering. The first known example of blessing a sick animal took place at Indian Creek in Van Buren County, an act occasionally done in pioneer days. The death of an animal was a serious loss. Stanley B. Kimball, "The Mormon Pioneer Trail, 1846-47," Ensign, Sep 1979, 72-76 |
Since animals are already Heavenly Father's creatures why should we have to intervene at that level if he will take care of them. Praying should be enough.
Name: Jesserroo
Comments: My family grew up with many pets and animals and my father gave them blessings when we would request it for their recovery. My husband and I have been discussing this lately and came across this from an account of Heber C Kimball. (He is my husband's great-great-great grandfather).
Animals are celestial beings and deserve our help however we can give it even if its through a priesthood blessing.