What Is Your Image Worth?

What Image Worth - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 2nd Feb, 2005 - 2:17pm

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2nd Feb, 2005 - 2:03pm / Post ID: #

What Is Your Image Worth?

Imagine your surprise to find your face on an item in the store! How would you react? Here's one man's story:

Wednesday, February 2, 2005 · Last updated 12:32 a.m. PT
Model gets $15.6 million award from Nestlehttps://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/apu...=Nestle%20Model

SAN FRANCISCO -- When it comes to coffee, Russell Christoff is more of a fresh-brewed than a freeze-dried kind of guy. So he never scrutinized the Taster's Choice label.

When he finally did, he was staring back at himself.

While shopping for Bloody Mary mix at a drug store in 2002, the former actor and model saw a younger version of himself, the one who had once posed for the freeze-dried coffee brand.

After two decades as a struggling performer, Christoff says he had all but forgotten the 1986 photo shoot where he spent two hours posing as "The Taster" in a red sweater. He received $250 for the job - with the understanding that he would be paid $2,000 more if his image was selected to promote Taster's Choice in Canada.

Wow, from $250 to $15.6 million! I wonder how they arrived at that kind of a figure? The article says that Nestle turned down his offer to settle for $8 million. Interesting.


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2nd Feb, 2005 - 2:17pm / Post ID: #

Worth Image Your What

Wow, that's a lot of money!!! but Nestle MUST pay since they used the image of the guy for years...I read the whole article and they said the jurors are not allowed to say how they reached that figure but they said the following:

5 percent of the Glendale-based company's profit from Taster's Choice sales from 1997 to 2003, according to the Los Angeles Times.

That's just one of the things that is including in the 15 million dollar settlement.

> TOPIC: What Is Your Image Worth?


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