Humans that want more of an edge in their sporting discipline rely on steroids to give them greater muscular growth and / or performance. Most, if not all pro bodybuilders used steroids at some point and time. It is just not possible to achieve the kind of 'big' look without taking 15-20 years of pure hard workouts. What are your feelings about the use of steroids, should they be limited or even banned as an enhancer or do you think it can be used sometimes?
More on steroids:
Source 5
Steroids (Hover)
I like the look of the natural bodybuilder more than the 'beast' so I really do not see the need to be so big. The risks of using steroids is too high and not worth it just to be a second faster or an inch bigger. In the end, it is really just a form of cheating and I am all for the judges / authorities keeping it out of competitive arenas. Of course there is the medical aspect for those who suffer a lack of testosterone, but that is an exception only.
An alarming number of American girls, some as young as 9, are using bodybuilding steroids -- not necessarily to get an edge on the playing field, but to get the toned, sculpted look of models and movie stars, experts say.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1%2C1249%2C...29174%2C00.html
Blah! I don't like the humongous monster steroid freak look. There is a certian point that muscle look good on a person, but after so much it starts to disgust a lot of people in my opinion. All in all, I believe steroids to be a bad way to get ahead of the crowd.
I agree that using steroids is "cheating" in the sports and body building areas. Steroids are so powerful, and so potentially dangerous, it doesn't make sense to me for people to use them just for a little "edge" in their competition.
I can't believe these young girls are using them too! I hadn't heard about this before. Something else for parents to worry over...
I believe all steroids in all sports should be banned. Their use can only lead to health problems, and they are an unnatural way of getting an edge. If someone wants to be better than the next person, then the only way to achieve this is hard work and discipline. Some say that is not enough, and to that I say "deal with it". There are a lot of people in sports today who are not the biggest or the best, but they contribute in their own ways, and these contributions are just as good as the superstar athlete.
I don't agree with the use of steroids because the risks to your health are to big. I can't understand why those 9 year old girls were using it; how have they gotten the idea that these substances could help them in any way? As for the use of steroids in sport, I think all of them are banned and if someone is using them they are disqualified. On the other hand, you may ask yourself if illegal substances (as steroids) are so bad, why are there still Athletes who are using them? Well, I think I have the answer for you - here is an example:
- X is a good athlete, but not the best
- X wants to win the Olympic Games
- X takes an illegal substance
- X qualifies to the Olympic Games
- X makes xxxxxxx$ (big bucks) from commercials etc.
- if X wins the Olympic Games and is not discovered = more $$$
- if X wins the Olympic Games and is discovered = looses medal, holds on to the first money
- if X looses at the Olympic Games and is not discovered = holds on to the first money
- if X looses at the Olympic Games and is discovered = holds on to the first money
In conclusion, some of them think it's worth the risk.