Good question, the idea of the account is for you to receive the said amount each time you renew, which in this case would be six months - this makes the required donation amount easier to pay rather than make it an annual thing. So each six months you will get the indicated FP amount so long as you renew.
Platinum & Diamond Memberships Now Active!
Plus is no longer the 'in' thing within the Community. Now we have Platinum memberships that allow you even more. Those that are faithful Platinum Contributors get 20,000FP! Yes, that is right. See the compare page for details.
Funbiker, you really miss your smiles huh? I will see what I can do, but knowing how the script is written I doubt I will be able to accomplish this easily.
I see that Uploading pics to posts is a feature of platinum membership. Can it also include the ability to add pics to topic titles? Even if it means selecting the pic from a pre-determined list. I know for me I often am drawn to topics that have an image in the title, and I think it would be a neat option to have. Thanks.
To do this would mean enabling html for members - a risk that is too great - not that I do not trust users like you Malexander, but making it a general feature could cause lots of problems. Also, this feature is available in the shop. If you have a thread that you wish to be more fancy than the rest then just make the purchase
Quote of the Moment
Platinum members can now add quotes to the Community DB via the 'Quote Page'. The link is located via the Platinum Page under 'Extra Features'. Quotes added are then shown in various places within the Community and more especially within the redirect pages (those pages that tell you that you are being taken to 'x' place).
Platinum members can now initiate a reason for members to 'sign-up'. The reason can be anything (clean of course) and then members are free to add their name to it. For instance if you are want to have a special chat at a certain time then you can place the details and see who signs up for it. See here: