Now I know this is a little off topic but it is something that I have thought about. I don't believe that the stressing of a contribution is not really a question of do you have to pay rather than a why would you not want to. This should apply to everyone that is monetarily able to support our community. I understand that some people just simply can't spend the money without causing themselves worry but for anyone that truly enjoys their time spent here and is able to support it why wouldn't they want to? There is an almost unlimited amount of benefit from a contribution. Not in what one can get for their contribution exactly, but what can be done within the community with the support can really turn into something huge.
The only time I've run into anything problem-wise is just as BabyBlues said. I was playing games in the arcade and clicked on a game that was upgraded. I did the same exact thing. "Oh well, I'll click on another one" and just went about my day. I didn't say "I should sell a kidney so I can play this game!" We all do what we can and that's the best we can do! Blessed be!