I'm sure many of you have heard the term 'bluetooth' before, and many more of you may have wondered, just like I did, what exactly bluetooth is. The best analogy I can make, is that bluetooth is the wireless version of USB. It is a technology that allows you to wirelessly connect electronic devices to each other. Bluetooth works both at the physical connection level as well as the 'handshake' level, where devices negotiate protocol.
Here is an article from howstuffworks.com which gives a good, general description of the bluetooth technology. Give it a read, and also for those who do use bluetooth, tell us some pros and cons that you may have encountered in using it.
Now that is great technology. Even though USB is nice I have always found anything with a wire to be primitive. The keyboard, monitor and mouse should all be wireless as a standard.
Offtopic but, The only problem with this would be power which still must come from a wired source unless batteries become very high tech. |
Blue tooth now gets passed the need for a power source for wireless mice. The bluetooth mouse allows for you to put it into a charger at night that is completely separate from the operation of the mouse. Now using the charger can still be considered wired power sources if you chose to look at it that way. The other option is the new lithium tech batteries which I use in my wireless mouse and keyboard. They last for a long time and keep my devices strong with out the need for changing out batteries once a week and having a wired power source.
You have to look at bluetooth another way also. It has become such a market standard on cell phone for headsets. Mice, keyboards, peripherals, ect. may be how we think of bluetooth generically, but I personally have used it for printer communication and even wireless networking. Printer cables can cause a problem in a lot of small offices when everyone wants easy access to the printer. I have also found that bluetooth is not nearly as affected by many different types of interference that 802.11x standards have been. I still use bluetooth to connect my laptop to my home and my office networks. I even sync my smart phone to my pc with bluetooth. I just have to give it a thumbs up.
(off topic) : you are right though, wireless everything is quickly becoming the standard but as was already said, power is by far the restraining factor there. who knows, a new breakthrough in power storage is most likely coming in the next few years the way technology is growing.