Emotionally Dependent User

Emotionally Dependent User - Community News, FAQ, Feedback - Posted: 10th Mar, 2005 - 1:41am

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Posts: 11 - Views: 1959
Poll: Of the following which emotional aspect does the Forum help you fill in your life?
  Keeping my sanity       8.33%
  Trying to fit in social groups       0.00%
  Give me courage       0.00%
  Help me to understand myself       8.33%
  Takes away my anxiety       0.00%
  Releases my stress       0.00%
  I feel loved or wanted       0.00%
  I become at peace with myself and others       0.00%
  The need to be competitive       8.33%
  My compulsive desire to say what I want       16.67%
  Helps me to be constructive and not idle       41.67%
  Keeps me out of trouble       0.00%
  To be more empathetic towards others       8.33%
  I am not emotionally attached as I rarely have feeling       8.33%
Total Votes: 12
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Post Date: 8th Mar, 2005 - 12:44pm / Post ID: #

Emotionally Dependent User

Overtime the Architect has noticed that a number of users join and stay within the Community because it fills a 'gap' or emotionally need for the user. Are you an Emotionally Dependent User? See the poll for available options.

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8th Mar, 2005 - 4:23pm / Post ID: #

User Dependent Emotionally

I was going to put "Keep my sanity" but the truth is that some members get my nerves and they do not help in keeping my sanity at all, therefore I put it helps me to be constructive and not idle.

I do not depend emotionally of this forum or its members...I think whoever does it, they may need some kind of psychological help because after all, this is just a discussion site...we are not here to psychoanalize anyone, there are professionals out there who are in charge of those things.

I am amazed when people depend on the site to make them feel happy..I understand that the forum makes us happy many times and nothing is wrong with that at all but when we depend on it as a source of making us feel good, then something is not right.

A user who is emotionally dependent of the forum needs to search the causes of that dependency and realize that this site is not a recovery center but just a whole bunch of people from different walks of life willing to discuss different issues that affect us all and at the same time to have fun.

This forum have bring me a lot of smiles and I do appreciate a lot some of the users who it's a pleasure to serve and do my best. Those users who I personally see are over emotional within this community, do not last long...I personally think this is not the site for them, they are looking for something they will never be able to find here or in another site. They need help from a professional and from their families. I understand the site can be a stress reliever but if a member cannot function because of a post or reply on a thread and affects their relationship with other members and with their families...then something is very wrong in my opinion.

Post Date: 9th Mar, 2005 - 6:01am / Post ID: #

Emotionally Dependent User
A Friend

Emotionally Dependent User Feedback & FAQ News Community

The last thing this forum brings me is sanity! sheesh! laugh.gif
I do however have a compulsive need to speak my opinion. If it is not in here then it comes out elsewhere which gets me in trouble. In spoken word debates, you cant hit the backspace key and re word what you want to say, so this is a good medium for me.

There are very few issues in which I don't have an opinion on. But I also am an information junky and love researching issues just to be able to respond to them.

9th Mar, 2005 - 12:28pm / Post ID: #

User Dependent Emotionally

Konquererz, nice but you did not answer the main question of whether you are or not an Emotionally Dependent User and what does it mean for you. smile.gif

9th Mar, 2005 - 2:24pm / Post ID: #

User Dependent Emotionally

I voted "My compulsive need to speak my opinion." I'm not sure if that's really a compulsion, but really this is the one place I can speak my mind about things. There isn't any other place in my life right now where I can do that. And since I'm sure I'm always right, it's interesting to see responses to my not-so-humble opinions. laugh.gif

Does this make me emotionally dependent on the Forum? I don't think so. I do feel a need to be here on a daily basis, and I feel bad if I can't log on for a couple of days. However, if the forum were to cease existing, it wouldn't be the end of *me*. I know where the forum "fits" into my life... my life doesn't revolve around it.

I really enjoy it here, I've enjoyed discussing different things with folks from "all over" and I've learned a great deal about things I either didn't know about or didn't know enough about.


9th Mar, 2005 - 11:21pm / Post ID: #

Emotionally Dependent User

I voted for "helps me be constructive and not idle." I don't think the forum really fills an emotion void or need for me. I truly enjoy it here, but that is because I enjoy the stimulating conversation and like the people I meet here. If there had been a choice about fulfilling my need for stimulating conversation that is what I would have chosen.

So, since it is something I do in my spare time, I figured the next best thing was constructive and not idle.

I would really miss this place if it were gone. Yes, my life would continue, but there would be a big gap left gaping with nothing to fill it. Eventually, I would adjust, though. I probably wouldn't even need to seek counseling for too long. laugh.gif

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10th Mar, 2005 - 1:24am / Post ID: #

Emotionally Dependent User

I am not that emotionally dependent on the forum. The main reason I joined was for the discussion and RPG, and not to fill any emotional gap. If the forum was to be cancelled, I would not be ruined. However, several positive emotions are associated with this forum. I do feel sane while I'm here, I do feel part of a community, I do have courage and understanding, and many of those emotions. But they are not provided solely by the forum and I could find them at other places, therefore I am not dependant on the forum.

Post Date: 10th Mar, 2005 - 1:41am / Post ID: #

Emotionally Dependent User
A Friend

Emotionally Dependent User Community News FAQ & Feedback

I voted earlier today that the forum "helps me be constructive and not idle." If there had been an option about coming because of the things I can possibly learn, or something along those lines, I would have voted for that instead.

I think that for a while I looked for the forum to fill some of my emotional needs. I really didn't even conceive at the time that that was not a good idea for me to want that or seek that out in any forum. I have learned since joining the forum that I can just enjoy my time spent here (though, it has taken time for me to learn that); the people, reading and posting in the topics and posts that I am interested in, and the many additional features. I still have some emotional needs met by coming here, not by seeking or expecting them to be met, but as a natural result of my time spent here. I feel that I no longer depend upon the forum, or even seek out, for my emotional needs to be met by coming here. I feel that this forum offers a lot, that coming here can be a fun thing to do, and that I can learn something while I am here, usually by reading others' posts.

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> TOPIC: Emotionally Dependent User


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