Not bad, although most movies seem to contain the same action moves. This was made with the same effects of Spider-Man 2. The storyline was okay and Berry did her part well in my opinion. It is not something I would go to the cinema to see, so I was glad to get it on US$0.45 video.
Rate: 3
Thanks for the review, I did not feel compelled to see this movie and with the reviews it has received, I feel I will be waiting for it on DVD myself. I did have a coworker who went to see it and he enjoyed it very much, but I have learned that our views on movies are quite different Plus a CatWoman movie should have some reference to Batman, because what good is CatWoman without the Black Knight?
Funny enough, Cat Woman was introduced on one of the Batman movies, but she was blonde |
Apparently Michelle Pffeiffer(sp) was asked to reprise the role of Catwoman for this but she refused, apparently remembering that the costume was a pain to get in and out of.
I also agree that there should have been some link somehow to Batman, maybe some continuity with the character of Selina Kyle (Pfeiffer's Catwoman), even if she was a different actress, but I have no idea who the character of Paitience Phillps (Berry's Catwoman) is.
I think there are two real reasons this movie was made. 1) Halle Berry's current popularity, and the current trend of releasing big-screen adaptions of comic-book heroes. In the past few years there's been Hulk, X-Men, DareDevil, Spider-Man, now CatWoman, and apparently on the table for '05 or '06 a new Superman movie, and also "Batman Begins," telling the origin of the Dark Knight.
I guess if you want to be a movie star in the 21st Century, get a comic book written about yourself.