QUOTE (alskann) |
needs to be done with respect for the animal and without waste or excess. |
I totally agree. I believe we have a stewardship over this earth and it is our responsibility to take care of it the best we can. We should be able to use it's resources to meet our needs - that includes animal and plant life. But excess and wastefulness are wrong. I am not a "tree-hugger" in any stretch of the word, but we should be conscious of future generations.
Name: Joan
Comments: Saying that eating all kinds of animals is hmm... not very good why the, would you want to eat a dog or a cat or a (horse)? If you stop and think about it for a second humans are a animals too? It might not be nice of me to say this but if any animal deserves to be eaten its humans.
Name: Maria
Comments: [I want to mention that] Mortedella is Pork, not horse meat.
I personally would not like to eat Horse. However when an animal dies its dead and eating it is natural. People used to make glue from horses. I am not a big fan of having this be a regular meat that is produced in a factory for consumption. However if it is taken from a horse that has lived out its life I see no problem.
Name: Black
Comments: I love horses so I could never see myself eating one. If horse meat is sold in a deli then I won't buy there! How can you people eat such a beautiful animal!
The US hasn't exactly made it illegal to eat horse meat, but they have fixed a way to not be able to slaughter a horse. By having the FDA not agree to certify horse meat, it in effect made it illegal. Now you can buy it if it was slaughtered outside of the US. The last slaughter houses were shutdown in about 1997.
One thing that has happened in the US with the economic problems and has been particularly noticeable in states like Kentucky is horse just being abandoned. Some are let free to roam until they are captured. Others are tied to trees, but in general if their owners cannot afford them any longer, there is little outlet to get rid of the animal or resell it. This has spurred questions about reopening some slaughter houses as several veterinarians have agreed that the removal of this outlet for unwanted animals has during these times done more of a disservice to the animals.