OK we are just waiting for FarSeer to roll. Once she does I am ready to post. Good luck everyone.
Well, the problem is LDS, if you try to do anything you might end up encouraging them to now chase you. |
OOC: Althea unfortunately has died, and the rest of us are now labeled scaredy cats! Joe will need some healing potions soon if he is to recover. Ice may need to tend to her horse. As for Joe's horse, I assume it has been lost to the bandits, even though Party Stats still show it. Do we dare venture out again, or do we wait for others? In either case, we know where the bandits are now, we just need to come up with a better plan of attack.
We all need to heal. I am down to 5 HP. Yes, I also need to tend to my horse. I will ask the GM if he wants us to post our plans for recovery now or not until we are all ready to go.
I think we need to keep in mind the headless bandit. That will probably be important later. It certainly is weird.
I am back! Thank you for keeping my character alive I am glad we came back to the village after all, we were hopeless in Death's Mouth. I think we should all buy at least the small potion and wait for more members to join. I will also make some more purchases in the market.
I don't believe there is any such thing as a small potion available in the market. Any other discussion needs to done in another thread...
We can also, rest and let nature takes its course. In addition, Daphne is an herbalist, so she can help cure us, or we can visit a doctor or other medical healer.
Arriving in camp, a young warrior, Sabina, strides confidently into the center of activity, her red curly hair unruly about her face in spite of the leather thong tying most of it into a crude tail.
"Hail, fellows, and well met. Rumors travel fast about town, and this one is too initriquing to ignore! 'Tis truth you've been beset by bandits and lost worthy members of your party?" She looks round about the camp. "Seems ye've all been wounded apiece. Mayhap ye could use some new blood to aid in your quest. I'm young and strong, and willing to put my blade alongside any worthy warrior. As well, I've some small skill in herbal lore, and cook fair." Sabina's grin shows even rows of small white teeth. "And I long to find adventure outside of this small burg which stifles me! Let us go forth, warriors!"