Ice looks the young warrior up and down and then replies: "So, you want to join us now do you ? Well, what kind of warrior are you, with no armor? You may be young and strong, but an arrow will still pierce your skin, will it not?"
There are now options to buy medical assistance in the market. GM says those who are gravely ill must seek help from medical sources. The rest can choose to do so or just rest. Once we are ready to go out again, we will post how each of us chooses to heal. I intend to get medical help even though I am not gravely ill. I want to be as strong as possible.
Smudge, we really need more players. I think you should do some begging! Konquererz would do really well. I know he is interested but feels he is too busy. Yet, he does post every day (except when out of town like now) so I think maybe he just needs reassurance that his activity level is quite sufficient. As long as he posts once per day, he will do fine. I am not sure who else to beg, but we are not going to survive with so few against so many. GM has made that pretty clear in his instructions to us as well.
Roz, do you plan to make other purchases such as armor or a horse?
IC: "Welcome to our group Sabina, we need young warriors who can give us a hand to enter Death's mouth and once and for all to get over this mission. Do you think you are ready for the job?. One thing for sure, I am not here to babysit", Daphne says while raising an eyebrow.
Lifting her chin proudly, Sabina is not offended at the questions tossed her way. "I have sufficient means to acquire armor, and horse as well, as I see ye all have," she says to Ice. To Daphne she replies gravely, "You may make the judgment for yourself, warrior, when the fight comes to us. Perhaps it's your back I'll be protecting. It's my honor to join you."
OOC: Yes, I have GP for horse and armor, which I'll purchase in the market.
IC: Welcome to our group, Sabina. We warriors are glad to see another of our kind, because we have been through much loss of late, and need much strength to overcome our enemy.
OOC: Welcome back FarSeer. Hopefully your character this time lasts longer than the last one; for your sake and ours.
OCC: (Because Joe is still unconcious) OK, I dipped deep in my Bank account, and should have 50 GP. I need to get healed, so will purchase 8 HP healing. Total cost: 40 GP. I have 10 GP left.
How do I do this?
Also, since we are waiting, can my character go off and do a single adventure to get some experience (and, hopefully, a little gold)?