[kneels and spreads out the kerchief and begins to separate the herbs into their proper piles presumably in preparation to treat Mud. He positions himself in such a way as to be within reach of Mud, but within line of site of Sabina and watches her curtsy with interest and listens to what she says with a suppressed smile] (Indeed, I believe she has me on this point--this is no lady. Brute is more like it!) "Indeed my lady, or whatever would you have me call you. Do you have a name? Or is the concept of an introduction too taxing upon your intellect. [his eyes turn hard, but he keeps the same suppressed smile as he continues. His hands continue working on the Herbs] Indeed, I am well convinced that you must be an impressive warrior, it is clear to me that you have not obtained your substance by means of your wits! I have no concern that my presence here will be less than invaluable if for the sole reason that these unfortunate campions [he gestures to the camp in general] will have an option to be treated by a man of compassion rather than your cold, callous hand . Besides there is more than enough wounded here to keep us both occupied, and if we ride forth into hostilities then there will be yet more. Can you administer to yourself? Or would you rather that I were there at your time of need? Do not fall into the arrogance of believing that in the midst of all that has befell this group that you will somehow be immune to misfortune on this venture. So let us end this pointless bickering before we make greater spectacles of ourselves among those very members who have garnered my respect. [at this he finishes sorting the herbs]
OOC: Tena, What do we do with healing herbs? That isn't exactly lending, but would be a gift, wouldn't it? I'm all for having extra, and using them amongst the party as needed. But you are right, whilst in the village area we should seek doctors and healers. Are you sure about walking the horses? I think even with double riders -- changing who rides with whom periodically -- the party could move rather swiftly. Unless we're not really in any hurry?
Sabina rolls her eyes at the funny little man, then watches with interest as his soft, white little hands work at the herbs. Just like a fine lady's hands, he has! "Is it my manners ye're calling out? 'Sir,' if I recall, ye ne'er did introduce yerself to *me*, now did ye? I'm called Sabina. And frankly, 'sir,' wouldn't it be wise to be a bit more courteous to one who may save your neck in time of battle? Perhaps ye've more healing knowledge than I, but I have some herbalist skill, as well. I'll agree to be civil, but ye might watch yer own tongue -- lest someone decide to cut it out!" Sabina finishes her diatribe with flashing green eyes, and stalks off in the direction of the village. Over her shoulder she says, "I'm off to the market."
Edited: FarSeer on 12th Apr, 2005 - 11:39am
Whoever owns the herbs can give them to the healer at the time of use, I believe. I just don't think you can buy them and give them to the healer to carry for you.
As far as walking the horses, I am not sure of anything. I am suggesting we consider it though. If you remember last time, Joe and Mud were slow because they were riding double. It caused them to be an easy target to the pursuers. That and the dice roll.
I just think if the horses are well rested when we need to flee, having two on their back won't be as big an issue. We are going to be getting another player in addition to Unferth so that means at least two riding double. I am hopeful we may even get a few more before we begin. In addition, my horse was wounded in the last battle. Even after rest, I am afraid he might not be at 100% strength.
Now, another question. Do we really want to go back through Death's Mouth. Or should we limit our adventure to this side of the canyon? We will be like sitting ducks while in the canyon. If we do decide to go through, I think we will need to ride through at breakneck speed to the other side to be as difficult a target as possible.
IC: Joe has reached deep into his resources to come up with some more gold (50 GP). He has contacted a local healer to spend 40GP to get 8 HP healed.
OCC: Not sure how much time he needs to rest in addition to the healer's work.
I think we need to go back to Death's Mouth, but approach it carefully. Perhaps have one person scouting, with all others ready to provide cover as needed. We may need to fight our way through, or we may need to draw the opposition out into ambush. Obviously the direct approach is NOT the way to deal with this situation.
I still wonder about that possible side trail.
BTW, did I, or did I not, lose my backpack? I never listed exactly what was in it, so I am not sure what I lost with it, if it is gone.
IC: Daphne looks at the new comer and with a suspicious tone she says while raising an eyebrow..."Hmmm so where did you say you are from?. I have never heard of you, one thing is for sure...I will keep an eye on you", she says while pointing her own eye.
OCC: Welcome to the game! It will be lots of fun, your posts are very imaginative and you are really very good at description.
[watches Sabina go and can't help feeling like he got the better end of the conversation] (just as I expected- in the end I am here and she is not) [his gaze turns on Ice and he contemplates for a second whether to point out the inconsistency of both being unskilled and yet having useful skills] (No, I've already muddied the waters enough with that Sabina, it would be no use turning the whole camp against me) [He looks quite displeased with the reception he is getting and his gaze travels to the distrustful face of Daphne and back to suspicious Ice and offers] My lady [he licks his lips, nervous under the unfriendly gaze of both women] I will give you my solemn promise that neither fear of man nor force of nature could drive me to manipulate that mighty steed in any way against your wishes. [For the moment he ignores Daphne] (I must win their hearts and minds one at a time, carrying on a defensive discussion against two would be tiresome, and I don't like the look on this one) [He narrows his eyes at Ice for but a moment]
I offer my services now as I am not sure that everyone here can afford the high cost incurred by professional assistance. If you have the time to wait I would suggest saving a small fortune by letting me and the healing power of nature tend to you all. I need only the materials and a promise that you will not leave me behind when you have no apparent further uses of me. If however time is short and natures remedies too slow then I prey that you would relate to me what befell you after you left the village so that I might know and understand your haste. Also I should like some answers to questions that have been bothering me. But those can wait until after your account if you are willing. [he does nothing further with the herbs at the moment being unwilling to negate his work on them up till now]
OOC- I thank you all for welcoming me to the game and for your kind words. These posts take me a while especially after I add in the bold text and whatnot and I'm glad to see people are enjoying them--Makes me feel good!
LDS- I really don't mean to ignore you, but I'm not sure how much liberty I can take with character backgrounds. Therefore I cannot, as yet, answer questions about his background.
-On the herbs- I agree with FBC- piling your herbs upon a character as a matter of course somewhat reduces a character into a mobile healing battery and the situation seems unnatural and smacks of meta-gaming. My offer is unique and temporary--I need a ride and I am willing to trade my talents for it. In my case it is a simple business exchange. I believe this makes a difference as I will not be holding anyone elses herbs, but using them on the spot.
I didn't address this earlier. I think we should PLAN on walking, using our horses mainly as beasts of burden, then for escape (or pursuit) when absolutely necessary.
The GM gave us some hints in another thread, that we didn't look around enough at each point in the game. We need to carefully examine our surroundings before entering the canyon. Perhaps it would work to search the area for another canyon or trail that might get us through or around Death's Mouth, without making us vulnerable to attack. It appears that our trappers abilities don't give us much in the way of tracking, or more likelihood to notice when groups have moved off the trail.
So, caution and attention to details appear to be the requisite characteristics of this adventure.
:walks into the camp area looking around for a friendly face to converse with. Finally he goes around the camp fire and settles to keep warm he stays near the fire. His short sword swings side to side as he walks towards the fire. His solemn face darts from face to face and then finally rests his eyes at the fire.: