[camp] The Rescue - Page 26 of 63

How did that happen? Didn't you lose - Page 26 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 14th Apr, 2005 - 10:06pm

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14th Apr, 2005 - 3:22am / Post ID: #

[camp] The Rescue - Page 26

OOC: Hurray! Konq is here ! Welcome to the Camp. Everything is fine, don't worry about patience levels. We're still muddling through this sort of "mid-game crisis" of healing.

My purchases in the market:
Leather Armor 22
Helmet 20
Horse 52
Saddle 12
Blanket 5
Oats, 4 days 2
Oat bag 4
saddlebag 4

Total 121, from 161 = 40 GP left

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Post Date: 14th Apr, 2005 - 10:39am / Post ID: #

[camp] The Rescue
A Friend

Rescue camp

[Remi gives the camp an odd look as all of his questions seem to go unheeded] (By all that is right and holy, do they expect me to ride blindly into the very jaws of danger? If the answers can't be found here than I must seek them out)[Remi gives a start as he is branded a magician by mud and quickly works to put any rumors to rest] Dear sir, is this how you treat such as one who has shown you kindness? Please, I am no magician, and I would appreciate it if you slandered me no more! I live by my wits, but I have no affiliation with witchcraft. [He looks towards Cyroc and smiles] Sir, that is no small display of talent, I see you have skill with the manipulation of earthly substances, isn't that right? [his tone indicates that the correct answer would be "yes" and his wane smile meshes poorly with his knitted brow] At any rate the display was a fine distraction from the down trodden spirits of these brave men and women before you, but the sound brings forth in me a sense of urgency to perform what few errands I have before our journey begins. Therefore sir, I will take my leave of you for now. But we shall have ample time for discourse upon my return. Until that time be well and stay safe. [He gives Mud a dark glance before taking his leave and making his way toward the Market. He calls over his shoulder] I shan't be long.
OOC- That sounds like a good traveling order Ice, but I worry about our scouts. If any scout sees anything suspicous he/she should B-line it to the group so we could investigate it in force if we choose.
Also I said it before, but here it is again for simplicity's sake: I wish to buy a scroll/case/ink/feather and a mess kit (knife/fork/plate/cup).

In addition in town I wish to try to gather some information about the crime. Specifically details about it. Were there any witnesses? If so, what exactly did they see? Was anything taken besides the women? Was anybody recently scorned by this women. Is there anyone who bares a grudge against a family member of the women? Was the women nice looking? Is she from a well off family?
This crime seems personal to me and I am even willing to see the unfortunate ladies father to find these answers. This can be done during the time that everyone is being healed so as not to slow down the group.

14th Apr, 2005 - 10:56am / Post ID: #

[camp] The Rescue RPG PBP Medieval World

In addition in town I wish to try to gather some information about the crime. Specifically details about it. Were there any witnesses? If so, what exactly did they see? Was anything taken besides the women? Was anybody recently scorned by this women. Is there anyone who bares a grudge against a family member of the women? Was the women nice looking? Is she from a well off family?
This crime seems personal to me and I am even willing to see the unfortunate ladies father to find these answers. This can be done during the time that everyone is being healed so as not to slow down the group.

Unferth, read the scenario that took place prior to this one. We were all on an adventure well outside the village. We were surprised by villians while the man on watch..Mud fell asleep. They forced us to leave one party member behind. The woman volunteered. https://www.bordeglobal.com/foruminv/index....pic=11181&st=48 page 7 of this scenario is where this takes place.

14th Apr, 2005 - 12:31pm / Post ID: #

Page 26 Rescue camp

OCC: Wait a minute...wait a minute...I am seeing now that Daphne's HP is 7 how can that be? She was not hurted or anything or am I just dreaming? laugh.gif I find my HP points are very low.

I want to purchase from the market:

1 Herbs for disease
1 Poison Cure Potion
1 Snake Venom Flask

Total: 14 GP
Left: 17 GP

14th Apr, 2005 - 12:58pm / Post ID: #

Rescue camp

I believe Daphne took a small hit in the first battle. When we were in the canyon.

14th Apr, 2005 - 1:37pm / Post ID: #

[camp] The Rescue

OOC: I forgot to include in my last post that I am in agreement with the party formation, FBC.

Unferth, you'll need to state in your post the cost of your purchases and the total gold you have remaining. This is for the GM's info when FBC posts in Party Order.

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14th Apr, 2005 - 9:58pm / Post ID: #

[camp] Rescue - Page 26

Joe still has his horse. The party order sounds fine to me.

14th Apr, 2005 - 10:06pm / Post ID: #

[camp] Rescue World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 26

How did that happen? Didn't you lose it and have to ride with Mud back from the fight? I suppose we can assume you have it, and if it occurs to the GM that you shouldn't we will see something in the story line that will indicate you are on foot not on horseback.

I plan to put together my tentative party order post tomorrow morning before work. Then I will give everyone the day to read it and be sure I haven't forgotten anything before I post it in party order. I am assuming I am still the leader since no one indicated they wanted a change. So, everyone should check in tomorrow when they get a chance to make sure I get your desires down correctly. If anyone wants to change or add to what they have already stated for their character they should do it before 5:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow.

> TOPIC: [camp] The Rescue


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