After his daily training Malice goes into town to volunteer his services to the local blacksmith to keep his skills intact. After each high quality item that is produced he asks if he is allowed to engrave his name and the blacksmiths name on the item each time. After each item he check periodically with his party of friends to see when they are to leave. After a few checks he decides to pack his items he wishes to use in his pack and sets his weapon and armour near his pack, keeping them in sight at all times.
OOC- I just wish to continue with the adventure and I would like to be in the rear to learn more from his more experienced friends.
O.K. I have posted in party order. Everyone should probably read it to be sure we are all in agreement. I did my best to get it all down. I was more specific in my post about formation than we had been in camp so you might want to check that out as well. Let me know if I missed something and I will try to get it corrected in the next post. Now, what worked well last time was everyone uses the day (whatever time zone you are in) to check the scenario, post in camp, etc. Then very early the next day, I post in party order. Then we all check the scenario and post in camp again through out the day, etc. If we need to make simple decisions like which way to go at a fork in the road, I wait for a few people to respond. If everyone responding agrees and it is a simple decision, I won't wait to hear from everyone before posting. This way the GM doesn't grow impatient with us while we are making small decisions and he will have more patience with us as we discuss more complex decision.
Some questions have come up regarding healing. As soon as I hear from Nighthawk, I will update our plans and we will begin.
[Bows respectfully to Knight as he makes his way back into the crowd. Remi rises and watches him go with eyes of admiration. He then turns to the camp with with the same look of determination that he had when he first arrived. The very presence of knight seems to have had a positive effect on him] "Yes...Yes! This is what I've been saying, though not placed quite so eloquently, I admit. It is only through the use of our wits that we can hope to emerge victorious and thus reclaim your friend from these ruffians. My very plan that I have outlined to you all is my attempt at exercising the very muscle that the honorable knight suggests we use. [his tone increases and the rate of his speech quickens] Knight says that they are watching us, that they are expecting us! I say let them watch our hand made doubles instead. And when our foes creep too close with their murderous intent, we spring forth the unexpected and let rain such a volley of arrows and stone as to darken the earth with the foul blood of our enemies! [his eyes glow fierce, if it were not for his diminutive stature and odd choice of clothing one might could believe he was actually capable of doing some of the things he proposes]Let them feel the bite of our revenge and learn what it means to abduct a member of this village. [Remi pauses and looks into the face of anyone in camp who might me facing him and says in his customary subdued way] If any wish to voice support or opposition to such a plan or can think of a way to improve upon it let them speak up now. Now is the time for planning, let us not ride blindly into danger as some have done in times past and never made it back to our beloved community. [Remi eyes them and awaits a response]
OOC- Everything looks fine in the character order thread, but the GM will probably want to know exactly what kind of info Remi is trying to find that might help us. That info would include the common tactics of the type of thievs we are hunting (if they prefer to attack at night or at day break, ranged or close.). Is there any other known case of them abducting people? Has anybody successfully negotiated with them?-- I doubt I will scare up anything particularly usefull, but you never know. Feel free to add in any other question you feel could be important.
OOC: I'm actually kind of intrigued with Unferth's "doubles" plan, although it would be a little unwieldy to carry all the pieces, and if the kidnappers are actually watching us, they will see what we're doing. If there were some way of getting all the stuff together to make the dummies without being seen -- and then some way to place them and leave them while we hide without being seen -- it's a cool idea.
IC: Sabina ponders Sir Remi's plan and nods slowly. Not being of any great intellect, she doesn't speak up for fear of being ridiculed (and for being seen in any way sympathetic to Sir Remi), but she feels the plan has merit. She restows her gear in her backpack and saddle bags, anxious to be off on the journey.
Should we then say we will spend the next two weeks seeking materials to make body doubles which we will take with us secured to our horses? If we do this, how will we conceal them while we are travelling? It is likely we will be watched all the time. We were attacked before when travelling, not when sleeping. I like that it is a plan, which is better than what we currently have, but I am not sure it will work as currently outlined. What do others think?
IC: It is morning and Cyroc stalks out of camp to go find a place to squat. When he returns, all the talk makes his exterior cheerfulness match his inner darkness. "I cant understand half of what these cretins are saying! They speak as if I am a mind reader!" Cyroc scowls deeper and goes to fetch fire wood for he is cold.
OOC:Um, I'm really trying to catch on to whats going on by reading the other faq threads and such. Am I supposed to be doing something?
Yes. Give us your opinions. Out of character, you can tell us what you think of any plan that is suggested. At the moment, I am about to post a final decision to party order. I did yesterday and some questions came up. I am about to amend that post, but then in the meantime Unferth's suggestion was posted. So, do we go ahead with the post already made with just the necessary change as a result of the questions, or do we totally change our plans?
It may be too late to totally change our plans, but since we are likely going to need to wait a week or two before actually leaving, we could build the plan into that waiting period. However, from a practical view, do you (and others) think it will work. I have posted my concerns about it. Now, I would like to hear from others.
Even if we decide this plan won't work, it is the sort of creative thinking that we probably need and that you aren't going to get from me. I have no imagination. I can help plan battles, but that is about it for me.
Update: I just had a thought. Scary yet, but a thought nonetheless. We could try the body double ploy at night. We could set up a fake camp where we put our belongings under cloaks, etc., at least some and then we move away from the camp. We could then lie in wait to see if they are attacked since in the previous scenario these bandits did surprise us while we were sleeping. We could make a fake camp of just a few and then move off and make a real camp where half slept and half stayed awake waiting, for example. Just a thought...
Edited: funbikerchick on 17th Apr, 2005 - 12:14pm