OOC- This is how I see it. We have 5 horses to stow away our figures. If you are worried about being seen we can pack just the raw materials upon the horses and construct them out of town in the woods or other private place. We could even do it at our private residences. Remember they do not have to be fully constructed, but can be in parcels that are easier to carry (think of how much space a person would take up if you could dismantle him into pieces. I think if one was made and a blanket placed over it it could probably pass for a bag of oats, maybe two, but at the very least it would be unidentifiable for what it was) We can then use stray sticks to hold each piece together once we are ready to set them up. We also do not need nine forms, probably at least two members should stay at the false camp in order to tend the fire and provide some movement for greater believability.
As far as setting them up without being seen we could do it on any overcast night and when dawn cames it would look as if we were all still sleeping. Bandits can't see in the dark any better than we can. My character will also be studying the moon phases to see if favorable conditions will be possible this has been posted in the original post FBC made to "party order." My biggest worry is setting up camp and the attack never coming, then how would we retrieve our figures without being seen? I think that in this case the plan would be a bust.
What do others say?
I say it is a good idea. It might work. However, what is the plan once the bandits take the bait if they do? We can discuss all these details as the adventure continues. We don't need all the answers immediately, but everyone should be considering and discussing the details now so that we will be ready when we need to be. Edited: funbikerchick on 17th Apr, 2005 - 12:35pm
OCC: Sounds like a decent plan. But, considering that our characters are all very low level, it might be a little complex. Still, as we get close to Death's Mouth, it might be worth a try.
The main thing I see from the GM's post in the FAQ about surviving this, is to take our time and be observant! Look at everything. Ask if there is anything else to see! From what I can tell, we did not explore the possible side trail. We especially didn't carefully examine the area for possible signs of ambush, or even for places of ambush.
If the plan to suck in an ambush works, we must be ready to ruthlessly prosecute the ambush and destroy as many thieves as possible.
I am going to amend our plans so that we will meet and depart in one week. I will indicate all the other stuff said and will emphasize Remi's moon phases. I will say it is our desire to leave at a time when the moon will be not full and in it's least stage of brightness.
It just dawned on me that I haven't posted anything about gathering supplies for our ploy. I am thinking we don't need anything extra. We can just take cloaks and fill them to look like a sleeping body, can't we? If you think we need something more elaborate, we will need to figure a way to gather this stuff as we travel.
It turns out I made a major error in my post. I didn't say Joe was going to the doctor. I said he purchased the healing, but I didn't specifically say he was visiting the doctor. I will correct that now. That should at least bump him up one point. Let's see what happens.