I think maybe I should post that we will set up camp and begin looking for wood for the fire and that we will begin to gather leaves and other brush to make mounds to look like bodies sleeping. Perhaps I should assign some for each task including looking for places to hide ourselves where we will be able to watch the camp without being seen come nightfall.
Unless I hear objections, I will post that before I go to bed tonight. However, even after I post that I still need specific plans so that come morning I can post the details of our plan for this little ruse.
[Sir Remi sits down at the nearest convenient spot in camp and takes off his shoes and winces a little] (it seems I'm not quite in shape for such a venture- after only a day I can hardly keep up. But if I stop what then? Surely that loud beast) [He looks at sabina] (would derive satisfaction from it. I can't stop now if only to keep that malicious smile from creeping over her monstrous features) [Sir Remi takes his cloak to wrap up his now unprotected feet and to hide them hoping nobody to notice. He listens to Ice give orders and feels relieved when he is not placed on gathering detail, but can instead sit and only needs to talk. He doesn't agree with some of the plans being made but finds himself too tired to argue] (close enough) [He remains unusually silent through most of the decision process, but his ears pick up on the question of who, if any, will remain in camp] I feel that someone should remain behind to at least tend the fire since this was proposed by me I feel it my duty to. Though [he looks away as if ashamed and speaks softer] in honesty I believe I need another with me to aid in keeping me alert. [Remi looks hopping that he will be permitted to stay behind and at any rate it looks like it would be a chore to uproot him from the spot where he collapsed to rest.]
Ice, I presume that is you, the others mention your name often enough. You asked me a while back how I planned to keep up to which I had no reply, but now after some thought I have one now... You have, no doubt, heard the saying that anything worth having is worth sacrificing for? Well I believe that the safety of our community is worth having and this venture is my sacrifice. I am no warrior, as each passing hour makes increasingly clear- even I am not blind to that fact. Nor do I see this enterprise as an adventure- it is a rescue. A rescue of a woman who was taken from us whilst defending the community-whilst defending me. [he pauses to gather his thoughts] If she were dead it would be easier; another fallen adventure, but no, a worthy soul is now being tormented, forced to live a life she doesn't deserve- a life of disgrace. Upon hearing that tale how could I not volunteer my services? What kind of man lies back in comfort while the women of the village rides out to protect him. What kind of man dresses in finery and does nothing to aid a woman being dishonored so. Too long have I been that man, living in an unsightly way and I do not wish to go back to the way I was and if I were to give up it would be the same as saying I have not changed at all. People can change. I can change. And I am going to prove it by being your companion through this endeavor. For me this is more than just a rescue, it is my own salvation. [Remi closes his eyes for a prolonged blink and looks nearly spent as it is, but he summons the effort and begins to talk plans again]
OOC- Characters are privy to this I just didn't want to make poor Remi say it all But I'm not sure how convincing a camp will be without the gear there and the horses. Also three cloaks isn't alot and there might need to be more people in camp to make up some of the lost numbers- a group of nine that turns into a group of four at camp is suspicious. I do have a spare suit of cloths I will volunteer for the effort, but it pains me to let them get all dirty.
I don't think we have to worry too much yet though as we are only a days travel from town and still a long way from where I would expect an attack from our targets in ernest- still it never hurts to be cautious. Depending on light conditions you may not need to be very far from camp at all at night- as long as the fire doesn't show you you may be fine, but I find it more likely to be attacked at day break so if we could place camp on the edge of the woods that wold probably be best as it would provide you with cover close to camp and there wouldn't be any need to remove the horses.
OOC for real-- Remi is going to be in bad shape if he does another day like yesterday- I wasn't expecting him to become a burden quite so soon. These are the facts as I see them. If he continues he will become worse, likely he will slow you down tomorrow and over time could develope a serious condition. If you do not want the trouble you need to send him home now- I would not be offended in fact you would probably be saving his life. Remi would never propose this but for the success of the mission it might be something to be discussed by the rest of the team. Once we get more then a day from town it will no longer be an option and you will be stuck with him
IC: Cyroc sits down next to sir remi and glances down at his toes. Ewwww! He whinces to himself. Against his nature, he pats Remi on the back, "You will feel better in the morning." "I think that we are going to need some long grass for hair, and obviously something thick for the limbs." Cyroc stares numbly into the woods. How on earth is this plan going to work?
OOC: I think Remi has a right to be on this mission even if he is a burden. We shouldn't send him home at this point. I am willing to pick up the slack for him, Cyroc will help carry some of his stuff if that will help. Its against his nature, but for some reason, Cyroc has taken a liking to Remi.
Before everyone goes off looking for supplies, I think that we need some suggestions about what we are going to do. Is this fake camp really going to work?
O.K. Let me address some of the concerns raised then you can weigh back in with your opinions as the same or changed.
First, I am not trying to make this camp look like it is the camp we 9 have made. I am going on the theory that we haven't been watched by the bandits because we are very close to town. So, I am banking on them simply attacking an unguarded camp. That is why I see no need to leave our gear. If you want to make a fourth body with Remi's clothes, let me know. If others want to risk their personal gear, let me know, but I am not leaving my gear in camp. How are we to fight the bandits in such a case? I have already lost everything I own to them once. I see no need to tend the fire. I am suggesting letting it die down of its own so it looks like all the parties in the camp fell asleep. If others feel we should leave it guarded fine, but then we need volunteers for this. Remi has volunteered. Is there one who will stay with him?
To me, it is more about staying alive than it is catching the bandits. I am all for some adventure, but I don't intend to be foolish. You will find I am very conservative in my style of play. However, I am more than willing to take the risks others feel necessary for their characters. I will also risk my character to save yours when it is necessary, but I will do my best first to try to prevent that necessity.
I need to post probably sometime today sooner rather than later so I need to hear from people today. What do you want to do. Do you want to have the camp guarded. If yes, are you willing to be one of the guards. My vote is no on both counts.
The majority should rule here not me personally, but I will need to hear from you to count your vote.
If we decide to leave it guarded it might make sense to have it be the two non-warriors so that we have more force with which to rescue. There is no need for strength within the camp, in my opinion, because once they overtake you, you cannot fight them. It might be good to have two people there, to fall asleep at the fire to buy a little time before the bandits figure out the camp is fake. I don't know. Whatever the group decides.
As far as the rest of us. We need to take shelter within the woods behind trees, etc. I suggest surrounding the camp from three sides leaving the south unsurrounded. I am presuming this is the side from which the bandits will come.
Remi should NOT return to the village. He is the brains of this plan. One of us can walk tomorrow if this adventure doesn't come to fruition tonight, while he rides on the horse. We are moving at a walking pace anyway so that won't slow us down.
Edited: funbikerchick on 22nd Apr, 2005 - 10:31am
OOC: First, Remi should not stay behind or return to the village! He's weak and he's fragile due to low body points, but he's a genius. I think letting him ride a horse for a few days will help his feet heal up -- we can take turns sharing our horses, yes? Who has leather boots? These should be the ones walking. If trouble arises, we were going to ride double anyway, so I don't see this as a problem. And besides, Sabina needs someone to annoy.
Second, I think to have the camp look anything "normal" or "real" we need to have real people in it for movement, and we should have warriors sitting watch in the camp, or so close to camp as to be "in" it, in addition to the horses. If the rest of the party is spread out around the camp watching, there will be notification of bandits arriving and they can signal the rest of the party in camp. I agree with the rotation of sleeping/watching and volunteer Sabina to be on watch in camp -- even if that means hanging out with dainty li'l Remi *wink*.
IC: As Sabina drags leaves and grass into camp, she listens, seemingly nonchalantly, to Sir Remi's discussion. Her warrior's heart is moved by his talk of sacrifice, community, and personal change, and she develops a new attitude for the little man. Although she still finds him helpless, and annoying, and a bit too foppish for her taste, he at least seems to have good motives for his senseless joining of their quest. Almost before she's had a chance to really think, she hears her own voice volunteer to stay in camp with him!
"Even though we may be sitting ducks, I'll stand watch in camp." She takes a deep breath and continues, not looking directly at Remi. "I have a bit of healing knowledge, and I'll share my healing herbs with the little.... er ... Sir Remi." Clearing her throat she adds, "I can keep the fire going for the first watch. We need to establish a signal, clear and loud, to alert us to an attack."
Sabina continued to push grass and leaves into a shape as she spoke, and continues to do so after.
O.K. Now remember, you aren't supposed to keep watch in the fake camp. You are supposed to fall asleep while on watch or at least appear as though you have. They aren't likely to approach unless they think they have the advantage. The last time they took us by surprise because Mud was on watch and fell asleep. So, have your weapons ready, but don't appear alert or it isn't likely to work.