No one has posted in camp all day today, so I haven't yet posted in party order. GM is getting antsy. I am going to post a delay so to speak. Please guys. Post what you want us to do now. I have layed out the options as I see them. Decide which you want to do or add some of your own.
OCC: I think we should stay and rest. I do not think we have rest enough. We should take turns to sleep and make sure we have our weapons very close. We could face Death's Mouth tomorrow.
ICC: Daphne looks at her travel companions and says "I think we should take turns to rest, Death's mouth is definetly a journey itself and it will take all our strenght. I will have my short sword ready in case of a surprise attack or to scare those silly wolves that likes to hang around. I can be one of the first to start the shift with Ice and the rest can sleep a little bit and then we take turns, so don't sleep to deep", she says while chuckling.
IC: Kron nods in agreement at Daphne's words. He draws his long bow and keeps it ready. "I will keep my bow close as it will be my speediest weapon. Let us rest and be prepared for battle on the morrow!"
OOC: I think and hope we are safe tonight without having to set a trap. Tomorrow night would be best when we are closer or in Death's Mouth. We still need to have a rotation for keeping guard and of course pick those who have higher soul to stay awake with those who do not. Three at a time should work:
Cyroc, Mud and Kron
Daphne, Sabina and Malice
Sir Remi and Ice
The warriors need to have weapons drawn when standing guard. The non-warriors tend to have more soul so it is their responsibility to keep the warriors awake and alert with either conversation or keeping watch. In the morning, we will head to Death's Mouth, with a plan, of which I am not sure yet.
OOC- This really isn't adding up for me, if we are only two days out from the village there is no way we could have arrived anywhere near to Death's Mouth. If you check the map Grey Stalk is 350 miles away-- let's say that Death's Mouth is half as far as GreyStalk (though it is really further); that is 175 miles. We couldn't cover anywhere near that in two days. I think the GM fast forwarded us a bit, and if he did we should be better rested (in other words we had a normal camp between when we tried our ruse and now. I am posting under this assumption, but the GM should probably be asked about it.
[Remi climbs up Sabina's horse feeling a bit embarrassed to be needing special treatment, never-the-less he excepts the offer seeing the wisdom in giving his feat some time to heal. The stirrups aren't adjusted to fit his stature, but he dare not adjust them ] (being saved again I see) [he looks at Sabina with a wondering gaze] (First she offers her herbs, now she offers me the aid of her horse"¦Why. What is there to gain? It's obvious she sees me as little value; that much is evident from our first encounter; I have nothing that would be of particular value to her. It is just strange to be accused of being a beggar one day and then to be riding a steed borrowed from the accuser the next. But a fine target I must look being the only rider at the forefront of the party) [At that thought his head snaps up and he once again keeps a watchful eye at any suspicious shadow keeping his sling wrapped around his wrist]
OOC but character privy information- I think we should try the plan again tonight if we are rested, but tomorrow night if we are not rested, remember Knight said they were expecting us and we know for a fact that they keep watch over this point from your earlier experience. I think it is likely that we should be attacked tonight or in the morning. We need to lure the bandits out- walking into Death's Mouth is suicide just as it was last time. It's a good thing we brought our materials with us, the horses could stay in camp as they cannot be hidden and since there is nowhere convenient for our warriors to hide I would suggest that they keep their cloaks for hiding and just lie down a little ways from camp- sprinkling some dirt over the cloaks themselves might help your chances to remain unseen as well, but what we really need is an over-cast night. Also, if at all possible the warriors should be in a well defended spot (behind large rocks or on top of a stone shelf or the like) but in shooting range of camp. I think they will come to camp if someone remains there to be the lure (that would be Remi). Also, I strongly suggest hobbling the horses so that they cannot be taken out from under us. It would prevent us from giving a quick chase, but if the warriors are not in camp I doubt that we could have been too fast about it anyway. Sound Good?
OOC: First of all, sorry to have not been on for so long, I had unexpected company come into town, and I've been busy since I got home from work on Friday night -- and nowhere near my computer... Tomorrow, again, I have church meetings starting at 6:00 a.m., then immediately afterwards more visitor activities. I most likely will not be on again until late tomorrow night.
First, thanks FBC for getting Sabina some stones for her sling. I've been meaning to do that from the beginning but kept forgetting. Since there is no place to hide anywhere near, there is no point in trying to set up a "fake" camp here. There's not even anything to make a fire. I would be hesitant to even light a torch out here in the open. Let's hope the light from 4 moons is enough to keep watch. I agree with the watch rotation that Malexander suggested.
We're only 1 mile from Death's Mouth, and if I remember correctly it was only a 10-minute ride within the canyons last time that brought the party to the ambush there, and the nightmare that followed. Now, if I remember correctly, there was something that looked like a path up the side of the canyon that was not explored before. Will we try that this time? At least send a couple of scouts to check it out before the whole party gets waxed again? Maybe it is an easier way "over" Death's Mouth rather than through it? It would sure be better than getting rained on by arrows... (Or it could also be one of those GM tricks that we'll find out was a waste of time... )
Unferth -- I disagree about hobbling of horses. It only delays US in a time of need.
IC: Sabina hears some of the grumbling in camp, and keeps her thoughts to herself. No sense fanning the flames, and apparently this spot is where the last attack happened on the previous party. She looks east... and west... and back north... and it seems there is nothing for miles. The light of the moons seems dimmer here, and the barren ground is proof of the name "Death's Mouth." Sabina shivers involuntarily and wishes for the simple comfort that a fire brings. As she tends to her horse's quick grooming, she keeps her ears and eyes open for movement beyond camp, and listens to the talk amongst her companions. She will leave the saddle on the poor beast, in case of the need to ride in the night, but feels badly at how uncomfortable it will be. She gives him a handful of oats to munch, since the grass here is nonexistent.
When she settles in for the brief sleep she will have before her watch, she will have her sword drawn and her sling at hand, with a pouch full of smooth, flat stones on her belt.
Edited: FarSeer on 24th Apr, 2005 - 6:20am
Since there is no place to hide while we are waiting for an attack on a fake camp, I don't see it as an option at all. I have posted what we will do. I tried to do what was suggested with some modification. I set up the watches to last only 2.5 hours each. This meant two people per watch. I think this is the best way to be sure we get enough rest. I put low soul with high soul as best I could. I tried to keep in mind who was warrior and who is not.
OOC: We're dead. Unless a miracle happens!
One way we could make fire is to burn the sticks and leaves we gathered for the doubles, but it wouldn't last very long. I'm worried about wolves encroaching on us as we sleep, but any light is like a beacon to any attackers, animal or human.
OOC but character privy information- Well, I will say that it is a good thing that we didn't try to enact my plan with these wolves around- it wouldn't do to have us scattered about. But these wolves are going to make a mockery of our attempt at deception. Here are two ideas to be considered- I do not like either of them.
1) We can make a pile of what materials we have and wait until the wolves are close- so close that we know they mean to make us their meals and then use a torch to set a quick blaze. The advantage of having materials that burn fast is that they are quick to light. If we survive the night we could head back north toward the forest (If we light any fire at all I suggest that we head out before dawn). Any bandit that saw us would be able to guess well enough where we had ran to and they might decide to follow (kind of a long shot). We will be tired but we could get more materials and if somebody followed us then they would see our doubles before they saw us. If nobody follows then we can rest and make the attempt later. (Consider this another defeat, but at least we are still alive and didn't have to go back to town).
2) We can forget the plan and forget about sleep (These wolves aren't going to let us sleep anyway) and forget about safety and push through Death's Mouth tonight. Journeying at night is dangerous, but so is staying here- if not for the wolves then for the bandits. Bandits can't see well at night to attack from fortified positions and we can likely ride right past them. Though I doubt we will remain unseen, I think that we will be unchecked. We know that the base of operations for these bandits is on the other side of this pass so perhaps we can barrel through and go from there- plus we can put some distance between us and these wolves. (this is a fairly large risk, but I am running out of ideas and the ones I had don't look as if they will work)
I am open to sugestions as I don't like a one of these plans. But I tend to favor the second, I think.