OOC: Well Im up, and it looks like Im on gaurd duty in an hour and half my time.
IC: Cyroc stares into the dark. His gaurd shift is coming up soon but he cannot sleep. Something doesnt seem right this night. He glances over at Sabina to see if she too is having trouble sleeping.....
Well, past experience tells me that fire keeps the wolves away. We can go north back to the woods, riding double to get there quickly and set up camp for the night there Or, we can stay where we are and light a torch to keep the wolves away.
IC: "My fellow warriors and friends, I think it is not wise to stay here and wait to be devour by wolves. I think we should pick up our stuff and move to a safer place. Even if we stay and rest, we will not be able to do so since the ground is so hard and we are finding very difficult to camp here. We could move or decide to make a big fire to keep the wolves away".
Well, it is 2 to 2. I will wait for one more vote. We either move back north for the night or stay here. As soon as one other person posts to break the tie I will go with that majority. If we don't hear in a timely manner from one of them I will move us to the North woods because we are obviously being warned of the danger here. I don't plan to travel the entire night, just to the edge of the woods, which by horseback shouldn't take too long.
OOC: I am for moving out of here to the North woods. There is just too much danger out here in the open to take a chance like this before we even get into any action.
O.K. I have posted in party order that we will be heading to the edge of the North Woods. You can read my post for more details. I made an executive decision regarding who would give rides to whom. I chose to use one of Malice's torches to search for wood since he has four. I indicated we would try to make it back without a torch but if we needed one to make it safely Ice would light one of hers and have Malice hold it while she leads the party.