OCC: Oh thats wonderful! I just got dropped with an arrow from some dirt bag! I just knew this wasn't going to work. I'm not sure really what to do from hear with just one hit point left. I cant really fight and I don't know how or what my healing pouches and herbs can do yet. Any assistance would be used full.
IC: "I'm fine, just leave me alone, nothing is wrong with me" "Oh wait, there is an arrow sticking out of me, well that hurts and explains the headache" Cyroc passes out.
O.K. It is time to flee. I say we double up where needed and get out of there. Those who are unconscious can be passengers.
I suggest Kron pull Remi up on his horse. Cyroc get on the back of my horse and Malice get on the back of Mud's horse. We have horses and the highest HP. The others get on their own horses and lets ride like the wind away from the arrows.
I think we need to keep riding. Two of our members are unconcious; one is badly wounded. Since we don't know where we are, but we can still see the mountains of death's mouth to our south, we should just keep heading north. This will at least be in the general direction of the village. Come morning, we should be able to find our way back to it. I am concerned that if we stop now, we could be in for another attack.
However, maybe we should stop and use some healing herbs on the wounded first. We have herbalists among us and plenty of herbs as well. This might help them to survive.
O.K. I say we stop. Daphne can take some of Sabina's healing herbs and treat her. I think we can stay here a day or two to allow Sabina some recovery time. If she seems to get worse rather than better, we can head back to the village. She isn't going to get well enough to go back to battle, but she might get well enough to survive the trip back home.
I don't care whether the villagers view us with disgrace or not. I don't see any way to successfully beat these guys and I am not going to get killed just for pride. How do you fight an enemy you can't see?
O.K. So, nobody posted from yesterday 7:30 a.m. until now. I am going to post what I think and if we all get killed, and it turns out you would have liked to do things differently...
I.C.: Hello to you all adventurers! My name is Sidraul and I got the feeling that you could use the help of a brave warrior! If you feel the same please let me know and I'll be glad to join you!
O.O.C.: I'm happy that I can join the game ... if there is something you wish to tell me, feel free to do so.