IC: "Being new to the camp I do not know all of the rules, but I will do my best to not add any scars to you or me". Ramer pulls his short sword easily from his scabbard with his right hand and prepares to defend himself. "You mentioned some brigands, how many were there and how many did you loose in the last fight?"
"How many?" Sabina barks laughter, as she begins to circle Ramer nimbly, taking his measure. "If we knew that, friend, we'd have more of an advantage. We can't seem to get close enough to them to find out anything at all, let alone count them. We lost two of our mates on the last, besides injuring several more of us." She quickly feints to the right and then deftly moves in on Ramer's left to begin the exchange....
OOC: Glad to have you in the arena, Ramer. Did you read the main thread, that the GM posts? He mentions that you've lost a GP ... I'm sure it was Florena. She's a rather good thief. You may want to see if anything else is missing since her visit...
I.C: "Well if you could not get close enough to count them I agree that we should move slowly and quietly. Your lost companions shall be revenged, we seem to have a strong party here even if we are young in experience." Ramer prepares to defend the attack to his right and notices Sabrina moving back to her left. Ramer continues to move to his right until he is facing Sabrina again, but from a farther distance. He is now squared off with Sabrina, his sword at the ready.
O.O.C. Thank you for telling me about the GM's board. I did not know to check it yet. I have modified a post to account for the actions of Florena.
OOC: First off I'd like to say I haven't RPed in this way before, but I'm not new to RPing itself, so if I do something wrong or get timing wrong do not hesitate to correct me. Believe me I'd be more embarassed to have it catch up to me in the long run or something.
IC: Kiro slowly wanders into the area of the camp, appearing lost. He turns forward just in time to stop himself from walking into the middle of the duel. The contents of his bag shuffle noisily as he backs up away from the two.
"This must be the place..." he says quietly, as if to himself. Then, in a louder voice he says. "Well I seem to have found where you adventurers are camped out. I've heard talk of a planned rescue and thought I might be able to help. Though I hadn't the coin to buy much, so I'm not sure just how helpful I can be if we're in for a long trek."
Remembering something he adds, "And I can cook."
OOC:My punctuation isn't the greatest when typing conversation sorry.
IC: Joe is watching this man who just walked up to camp. Being a barbarian, he is not sure of someone this suave. He is also not a great negotiator or speaker at all. He stays back to watch what all is happening.
OCC: We need to make a decision fairly quickly about whether or not to accept this person's assistance.
Party stats have been updated. Make sure you check them out. Edited: Nighthawk on 7th Jun, 2005 - 12:07am
Sabina gives a nod to Ramer as their practice session comes to a halt. "Another time, friend, as it seems our journey will now begin." She nods to Kiro in greeting. "Welcome, friend."
She then gives her full attention to the stranger and watches his moves carefully. Catching Joe's eye, she gives a cautious nod of approval. "He seems true, Joe. We certainly can use knowledge of where we are going. He hasn't asked for money... at least not yet. What does he gain from helping us?"
Sabina, do you wish to ask that question in the Party Order? I will post it as such if that is your desire.
Anyone else want to get some action or specific words in to Party Order? Time is running out as I need to post later this afternoon.