[camp] The Rescue - Page 52 of 63

OCC: I have posted the various actions and - Page 52 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 9th Jun, 2005 - 1:36am

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Player Discussion
7th Jun, 2005 - 10:12pm / Post ID: #

[camp] The Rescue - Page 52

Ramer sheaths his sword as the training ends. "Hello, Kiro. the more swords the better. I am ready to leave camp when you say Joe."

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8th Jun, 2005 - 1:36am / Post ID: #

Rescue camp

OOC: Okay, I guess we need some guidance here. For our newbies -- and I guess as a reminder for our "veteran" players (me included) -- once we post in Party Order thread, and the GM responds in the main thread, we generally have only 24 hours to form a "say what you will do now" answer to the GM. It's important to have some input from everyone so that our Party Leader (Joe) can post again in Party Order. And trust me -- if we take too long posting to Party Order, the GM often will take action with the story without us, and generally against us. Everyone needs to read the Party Order post and the GM's response in the main thread every day and then report/reply here as soon as possible.

Your input would include: "In character" actions you wish your character to take; items you wish to buy in the market prior to leaving the village; questions you may have for GM-run/non-player characters; helpful tips or strategies for the entire party, and answers to our Party Leader's questions or requests. We try to work out strategy and agree on a course of action prior to posting in Party Order.

If you are unable to be here for a day or two, please post it here or email Joe to let us know so that we can "control" what your character does in your absence. If you haven't already done so, please subscribe to this thread so that you know when there is activity.

{getting down off of soapbox now}


IC: "Four gold? Are ye serious, man!?" Sabina looks aghast at Joe... and then shrugs and asks the party, "What say ye, fellows? We can surely use the help, and I'm willing to contribute a gold fer it..."

8th Jun, 2005 - 10:51am / Post ID: #

[camp] The Rescue RPG PBP Medieval World

IC: "I will pay the gold. You all figure out how to pay me back, if you will. This is my responsibility."

OCC: As the GM pointed out, we need to multitask more. We must present a days worth of actions, or at least several hours worth. I will pay the four gold. Then I will ask the man for his plan.

Following that, I will prepare my horse, check my gear, load the gear on the horse, and be ready to leave.

Recognizing that few of us have horses, I propose that we lead the ones we have, saving them for emergencies, and to help carry items to make life easier for the players.

We need to hear our new companions plans before we make decisions about where to go, etc.

8th Jun, 2005 - 1:07pm / Post ID: #

Page 52 Rescue camp

OOC: Agreed, and Sabina will do the same in regard to preparing horse and gear for the trip. I think our new "friend" should be watched. Sabina will accompany the gentleman as he makes his purchases, and make sure he actually comes back to camp.

IC: "Joe, I've purchases to make as well before we ride." Sabina turns to the newcomer and says, "I'll come along with yer and escort ... er.. accompany you back to camp when we've finished." Smiling congenially at the newcomer, Sabina then turns and gives Joe a meaningful look to convey her message.

8th Jun, 2005 - 9:15pm / Post ID: #

Rescue camp

I'm sorry for my "break" ... I was out of town for a few days.
Back when we had another leader I posted that I want to buy these things:
Cloak 1 ... cost 2 GP
Leather Armor 1 ... cost 22 GP
It wasn't mentioned in the party order.
I got left 2 GP; if you think that something is needed I'm happy to donate it for the party (I know it's not much, but it's the best I can come up with for now).

8th Jun, 2005 - 9:50pm / Post ID: #

[camp] The Rescue

" I have a coin I can donate to his cause, be sure I get it back when we return". Ramer tosses the newcomer a coin and puts on his back pack with all of his gear inside, his sword at his side and bow on his back. Ramer is ready to head out.

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9th Jun, 2005 - 1:21am / Post ID: #

[camp] Rescue - Page 52

OOC: I am also for this man aiding our group, and four gold is not that much, so if that's what he needs, I suggest we give him some. He seems genuine, so I will contribute a gold piece of my own.

IC: Mud grunts. "You better be of good help to us..." with that he reluctantly tosses another coin to the man. "Buy yourself some food."

9th Jun, 2005 - 1:36am / Post ID: #

[camp] Rescue World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 52

OCC: I have posted the various actions and words of the members. Joe paid the additional two coins, and used what little charisma he has to try to be nice to the stranger.

I apologize for posting so late. I had a daughter's graduation this evening.

> TOPIC: [camp] The Rescue


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