[camp] The Rescue - Page 54 of 63

IC: "Ugh," grunts Mud. "this - Page 54 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 15th Jun, 2005 - 11:35am

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Player Discussion
11th Jun, 2005 - 11:43pm / Post ID: #

[camp] The Rescue - Page 54

I just went to post in Party Order, and realized that we aren't even beginning to be ready here.

What order are we going? Who is doubled up with whom? I am not even sure, at the moment, who is really in the party!

Are we riding as a group? Do we have a scout out? (BTW, a mile is WAY too far out for a group this size.)

Give me suggestions about the doubling up. I will say that we are going to ride for 5 to 6 hours, with the last hour keeping a close eye out for a defendable, hidden campsite.

So, we will also need to determine our watch standing.

BTW, what exactly is our purpose now in this adventure?

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12th Jun, 2005 - 12:02am / Post ID: #

Rescue camp

We seem to be experiencing another apathy issue... We need to have everyone check in before we move on. I think our goal is just cleaning up -- getting rid of as many bandits/brigands as we can.

Here's my input:

Sabina will double with Ramer on her horse
Joe and SidRaul
Do Mud and Kron each have horses? They can scout (unless they post something alternatively before Party Order) within 1/2 mile radius.

I'm fine with 5 -6 hours on a fast ride.

Sabina will volunteer for first watch, and how is 2 hours each? Should we double up on watch?


Please check in!

12th Jun, 2005 - 1:54am / Post ID: #

[camp] The Rescue RPG PBP Medieval World

OOC: Sorry for not posting in a while, I've been busy with finals. I agree to scout the area as Sabina suggested. I am dissapointed with the thief, but it's only 4 GPs anyway, nothing to fret about.

12th Jun, 2005 - 8:59am / Post ID: #

Page 54 Rescue camp

Offtopic but,
I lost a few days figuring out what I have done wrong with my fp/gp change. I still don't understand.

I agree that riding is a much better idea than walking. My suggestion is to ride fast the first part, stop for one hour before traveling through the pass (to rest the horses) - scout around a bit and quickly ride through the pass. Those passes give my chills ... perfect for ambushes. If we get to the other side safely, we should find a place to rest.
If you agree with this, I will develop the plan. If you have other suggestions feel free to state them.

12th Jun, 2005 - 2:25pm / Post ID: #

Rescue camp

You should email the GM to figure out what happened with the FP conversion. Did you keep records of your conversions and purchases? Perhaps if you review the prices for each thing you purchased, you might find where you went wrong.

I agree with the input so far. I didn't end up posting anything in Party Order last night. I have to post at about 6:00 this evening, so I need input from everyone before then (Eastern Time). I need some detailed ideas and plans as well.

14th Jun, 2005 - 12:27pm / Post ID: #

[camp] The Rescue

I.C. We can find him when we return. As for me I do not know the lay of the land as of yet so I will lend my sword or axe when needed. I am ready to go now so I suggest we head out and earn some honor.

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14th Jun, 2005 - 1:36pm / Post ID: #

[camp] Rescue - Page 54


Make sure you have read what I posted yesterday in Party Order. After three days without any significant input, I went ahead and did what I could.

15th Jun, 2005 - 11:35am / Post ID: #

[camp] Rescue World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 54

IC: "Ugh," grunts Mud. "this gloomy forest is not to my liking. I do not want to meet any more of these nasty forest creatures." He shivers at the memory of the bite he has gotten from a wolf on the previous mission. "Let us go westward to the grass plains"

> TOPIC: [camp] The Rescue


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