[camp] The Rescue - Page 57 of 63

IC: "I don't like this place. - Page 57 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 21st Jun, 2005 - 12:28pm

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18th Jun, 2005 - 9:29pm / Post ID: #

[camp] The Rescue - Page 57

OCC: Once into a fight like this, you can't really flee.

IC: "Aarrrgh. Where's the next one?!"

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19th Jun, 2005 - 5:20am / Post ID: #

Rescue camp

IC: "Oh, not the wolfs again! I hate those creatures. But now that they atacked us we must fight back and show them our wrath!"

20th Jun, 2005 - 2:00am / Post ID: #

[camp] The Rescue RPG PBP Medieval World

I.C. sheating his sword and holding his axe Ramer quickly locates his pack and lights a torch. He spots Kiro, obviously no longer of this world and looks about to ensure the wolves do not approach again. He also looks about to see if he can spot the horses. "Let us ensure that the creatures and elements will not get to the body of Kiro, if need be we can bring his body back to town when we return from the bandits."

Reconcile Edited: Ramer on 20th Jun, 2005 - 2:04am

20th Jun, 2005 - 8:04am / Post ID: #

Page 57 Rescue camp

Here is my plan (feel free to come with suggestions):
- make a fire
- Ramer and Sidraul should watch the fire and Kiro's body (because we don't have horses ... those horses would probably come to their own masters)
- Sabina, Kron, Mud and Joe should search for the horses, but without scattering to much from each other or the camp
- after finding the horses (if we manage to do that), we will think of the next steps.

20th Jun, 2005 - 2:08pm / Post ID: #

Rescue camp

I agree. Those he have horses should go searching for them, and the others set up camp. The fact that we have just killed som wolves, doesn't mean we won't encounter more of them, so we still need to be watchful

20th Jun, 2005 - 4:58pm / Post ID: #

[camp] The Rescue

IC: "Let us skin the mangy wolves. Those skins will be worth something in the village."

"Sabina, Mud, and Kron, get the horses. I'll stay to keep this campsite safe."

OCC: I don't think it is good to leave only two people at the campsite. The three of us need to gather some wood together, for safety. The other three can capture the horses.

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21st Jun, 2005 - 8:57am / Post ID: #

[camp] Rescue - Page 57

I am glad none of us got too much hurt. Now that we have found the horses, let's take them back to camp and this time stay together for any possible future wolf attack. We haven't eaten in a long time, so let's eat some of our rations.

IC: "All this fighting makes me hungry," says Mud, upon returning. "Let's eat!"

21st Jun, 2005 - 12:28pm / Post ID: #

[camp] Rescue World Medieval PBP RPG - Page 57

IC: "I don't like this place. I think we need to move to the west, through part of the night. Leave the wolves where they lay."

OCC: The GM is giving us all sorts of hints that we shouldn't be here. I think it would be best if we gather some wood here in the forest, as we depart, head west a ways into the plains, and then camp.

After that, I think we are going to have to head southwest towards the mountain range. We apparently aren't ready to go into Hordeland.

So, we will need to carefully, and very stealthily approach Death's Mouth. Nothing fancy, just travel somewhat slowly, scouting and checking constantly. In particular, once we get near the mountains, we will have to be extremely careful in our choices of camping sites.

I also suggest that we lead the horses right now, at a walk. Especially as it is dark. A couple of torches, one at each end of the line, will be helpful, but we really don't want to get spread out here. Once on the plains, we should put the torches out, as they will be visible for a long distance. Only if we can find a small hollow or dip in the very near future should we even light a fire.

> TOPIC: [camp] The Rescue


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