Newsletter March 2010
Thanks for being part of our Community.
There were hardly any votes this Month for Member
of the Month so no one won. I guess no one stood out
in particular during the short month of Februrary?
Are vibrant writers a dying breed?
There are some very interesting Topics for debate in
the Community. These may possibly have an impact in
your life, while others are purly for entertainment, you
be the judge:
* All these Earthquakes - what is going on? Here is one
possible reason: High Frequency Active Auroral Research
Program. Make sure to watch the video and add your
Source 9
* Chile Earthquake
Source 1
* Pat Robertson on these Earthquakes
Source 8
* Its not just Earthquakes, there has been flooding,
storms and more! Could this possible be a warm up to
2012 and doom?
Source 6
* Now if you heard there was a Tsunami coming would
you run towards the beach or away from it? You will be
surprised what a lot of people will do:
Source 3
* Philosophy Of Superior / Inferior Races
Source 8
* Manufacturing Depression - Are you really depressed?
Source 3
* Can you become an Alcoholic From Beer?
Source 3
* Catholic - Should Gays be allowed to take communion?
Source 3
* Are you a fan of Kerli? Did you know this:
Source 1
* Female Marines
Source 8
* This could be breakthrough technology but no one
gave any input. Make sure to check these videos and
give your input:
Source 2
* The American Bloc that has no North America in it:
Source 9
* Did you catch that clip about what Obama said to McCain?
Source 4
(See JB's last Post in that thread)
I could go on and on but you search for what is new:
* Read what is currently being Discussed:
Source 9
Skin Clean Up
All the extra info like signature, tenet, political affiliation and so forth that normally appears in the bottom of each Post will now only be shown in the Intro Board. This clears up the redundant information that often appears in Posts especially when two Members are Discussing something.
Just some interesting things we wanted to point out and you
may like to Discuss or pass it on to your friends:
* How Big Are You?
I compiled some images I recently received by Email that
compares the earth, other planets and stars in various systems.
You will like to see this regardless to what you believe:
Source 6
To put your thoughts about how big you are:
Source 5
* Oliron's Pbp Rpg for Ad&d
With the relative success of Kntoran's current Ad&d exploits
we have another Member that has started his own campaign.
You can be in both if you wish, read Oliron's character creation
thread here:
Source 1
See what else is new:
Source 3
What's new:
* World of Medieval finished the last Campaign and is ready
to start the next Scenario, "Southern Darkness". Ensure that
you get your character ready:
Source 6
* The end of the Month is approaching. Please vote for your
fellow Member:
Source 4
* Members who reach their climax:
Source 5
Some points of interest:
* Couple turned away from Bed & Breakfast
Source 4
* Jewish Settlements - What's The Problem?
Source 9
* If you are Tongan Air New Zealand watches you closer
Source 3
* Precious vs. Howard Stern
Source 8
* From Slumdog to Bond Girl
Source 2
* Sandra's Cheating Husband
Source 4
* Russia Tells Clinton Where To Stick It
Source 2
* Joe Biden Says He Is A Zionist
Source 3
Thanks for being part of InternationalDiscussions.com
For those of you interested in Easter, see this related page
for Discussion for and against Easter:
Source 2
Admin Thoughts
* First: please vote for your fellow Members now
Source 7
It always amazes me when Members do not show their support
for other Members by voting for them.
* Second: Those of you interested in Role-playing:
Future Earth is now open for characters, create yours now if
you want to participate. You must have above 30 Posts and
an Activity rating of at least 75%:
Source 9
* Third: World of Medieval is also open for characters with the
same requirements:
Source 9
* Fourth: Those of you interested in starting now can enter
Oliron's Dungeons & Dragons:
Source 8
Some Highlighted Threads
* Sandra Bullock
Source 4
* Marines vs. Ufc Fighters
Source 5
* Electric Cars Vs. Petrol Cars - they both Pollute
Source 3
* Skin Color In India
Source 3
* Half an hour of Exercise is not enough to lose weight
Source 3
Specific Boards
* Catholic: There are a lot of issues being highlighted now
about abuse by clergy in the Catholic Church. It will be nice to
have someone who is Catholic to give some input into the
Threads about it:
Source 8
* Trini: Hiv Mom Lives Off Guanapo Landfill
Source 8
* Lds: Excommunicated Members
Source 6
* Islam: Islamic Court Bans Twitter
Source 8
* %NAME% check the latest Topics and add your input:
Source 5
Make a Donation / Upgrade Your Membership:
See hidden boards and get more features! Or just contribute:
Source 9