Newsletter - February 2010
* Congratulations to Jpatt voted as Member of the Month
* Valentines's Day is fast approaching, join in Discussion
with our selection of related Topics:
Source 3
* Future Earth has new Avatars and unique look. We are
ready to begin the new Scenario - The Island.
* Love & Life Bytes and Spotlight Rpg have started two new
fun filled drama adventures
* As we stated in out last Newsletter about clearning the
database of unused accounts: we deleted 807 Members for
not Posting anything.
* Soon we will be looking to introduce block ads unique to
each Board. External sites can then advertise products or
services with a similar theme. More info to come soon.
Some Highlighted Threads
* The Boy In The Striped Pajamas - JB Reviews
Source 1
* Attention Seeking Person And Tactics Of Attention
Source 7
* Breast Reduction For Men
Source 6
* Pants On The Ground
Source 5
* Great Father Not Great Husband
Source 5
* The Road - By Cormac McCarthy
Source 2
Thanks for being part of InternationalDiscussions.com
* Any lovers in this Community? Check these Threads:
Source 7
* Cozyville Real Estate Rpg has opened to all Members and
with a brand new look. If you meet the easy requirements
feel free to join in:
Source 1
* Waiting for those who like drama:
Source 5
Some Highlighted Threads
* The fear of losing money
Source 4
* Cage fighting for Jesus
Source 1
* Beware if you like to drink soda
Source 9
* Children seeing ghosts
Source 9
* Mad things women do for men
Source 1
* Changing your gender is now tax deductible
Source 7
* Does this tune make you feel like you are walking on air?
Source 7
Small Updates
On the unique Skins like Blogs, Cozyville and Bytes I added the Search Field and a big link back to the Board Index in case anyone gets lost (although the location field is always there).
Major News
Besides the usual you will see a "More" link for global Threads.
* Board specific advertising is now coming on full stream.
Within certain Boards those with related products or services
can purchase Blocks to highlight their own website. See more:
Source 7
Some Highlighted Threads
* Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths Review
Source 5
* 2010 Winter Olympics
Source 1
* Teaching The Bible As Literature In Schools
Source 9
* White & Black Witches
Source 3
* Low Self Esteem
Source 3
* Ad&d Dungeon Master Strategies and Details
Source 1
* Aafia Siddiqui - Innocent or Guilty?
Source 3
* George Takei - Sulu from Star Trek
Source 5
* Disabled Woman's Friends Tortured And Killed Her
Source 5
* I Asked Her To Marry Me And She Said No
Source 5
Specific Boards
* Mature: No Super Power For Your Spouse
Source 1
* Secret: Facebook
Source 6
* Trini: Kamla Persad-Bissessar
Source 5
* Lds: Lingering / Wandering Spirits And Lds Experiences
Source 1
Admin Thoughts
* Cheaper energy is headline news and there are some specific
Threads in our Community that deserves some good debate.
First we have the Bloom Box that was recently featured on 60
Minutes. Is this the future of energy in our homes? See:
Source 5
Then Pres. Obama recently wanted to help establish nuclear
power plants in Georgia despite all this green talk:
Source 9
At the same time in Vermont they are voting to close their
nuclear power plants down:
Source 1
* Vote for your fellow Members now
Source 7
* Get your commercial space in our Community:
Source 3
On the top of each Board is specific space you can rent on a
monthly basis. Your message will be shown to thousands of
visitors who visit us each day.
Some Highlighted Threads
* A movie so scary that the director will pay you big money if you
can watch it alone:
Source 2
* American Idol Reviews
Source 1
* Falkland Islands - Argentina or Britain?
Source 9
* Paganism: Ritual Or Belief
Source 6
* Women On Submarines
Source 8
* Nato & Usa - Is Europe becoming too at ease?
Source 4
* Should Whales Be Captive?
Source 1
* Second Depression - Is it over?
Source 5
Specific Boards
* Trini: Toyota in Trinidad
Source 4
* Lds: Mormons and Catholics working together
Source 5
* Islam: A world without Islam
Source 4
* Members from any group can Login privately so Regular Members cannot see their Online location
* Removed Online / Offline from Threads to save queries - you can see who is Online via the link with the same name.
* Added in participation highlighting that was missing from some RPG Boards