Language Use In D&c

Language C - Mormon Doctrine Studies - Posted: 5th Aug, 2006 - 1:22am

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27th Feb, 2005 - 5:16pm / Post ID: #

Language Use In D&c

While looking over certain parts of the Doctrine & Covenants I noticed something I had not seen before... why does the Lord sometimes speak in modern English and at other times old English? Was it just a matter of Joseph writing the revelation in his own words at some point and in other times directly as the Lord said it?

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7th Mar, 2005 - 5:27pm / Post ID: #

Dampc Use Language

I think it is exactly as you posit.

Was it just a matter of Joseph writing the revelation in his own words at some point and in other times directly as the Lord said it?

Joseph Smith had a distinctive way of expressing himself. Sometimes in the D&C, that manner of expression is evident, other times it isn't.

In fact, this is really obvious in section 76. Verses 1-10 are in a very formal language. They are a proclamation that what is in this section really is from the Lord. However, starting with verse 11, it is in a more informal style, as Joseph and Sidney explain what they have seen and experienced.

4th Aug, 2006 - 11:44pm / Post ID: #

Language Use In D&c Studies Doctrine Mormon

Considering that the D&C is not translated should we then first take each word directly for what its' worth or still look for possible alternate meanings - after all the work is in English and therefore needs little depth for understanding as far as sentence structure, etc.

5th Aug, 2006 - 1:22am / Post ID: #

Dampc Use Language

While it appears that the Doctrine and Covenants is in plain English, it is in a slightly archaic form. There are quite a few idioms in it that are a bit hard to understand in today's language.

There are also quite a few things that are in "prophetic" language, that require a spirit of prophecy to fully understand.

At least in my opinion.

> TOPIC: Language Use In D&c


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