Julie and I are really loving life in our new house. Our son has grown a lot in the last few months, and we are considering buying him a pet, for companionship. Or maybe it is time for us to have another child. We'll have to sit and talk about it more.
Now that the wife and I have the nice house, we've noticed a lot more salespeople coming over, figuring we have money. One salesman in particular was selling chess sets, and while they were nice, I had to pass on it. The sight of a chess set brought back some terrible memories of childhood, that I would rather not drudge up again.
I have been itching to get my Pharmacy back, and put in a bid today to the current owner. She is driving a hard price, but I understand the pharmacy has some worth now, so she is trying to make a profit on her investment. With the pharmacy back in my hands, I can really make a better life for my family and think about expanding it as well.
After having purchased the Cozyville Pharmacy, again, things have been really looking up for me and Julie. The profit margin should be through the roof now, and even though I paid a lot for it, I am excited to see what kind of revenue can be generated. The sale of the pharmacy was all over the newspaper the other day, and so my popularity has also increased. I have to admit it was a rush reading the paper and seeing my name in print. For now, Julie and I are running the pharmacy together, while a live-in nanny watches our son at home.
I woke up this morning, looked in the mirror, and decided that I should take up a hobby. However, those thoughts were squashed when I realized how much work I need to put into the pharamcy in its beginning stages of ownership, so I decided otherwise. Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go!
I woke up this morning, and for some reason, was a bit depressed. Maybe it's because I've been working so hard lately trying to get the pharmacy in tip-top shape. Maybe it's because I haven't been spending as much time with my son lately. Maybe it's because I feel more isolated from my wife in that big, fancy mansion that we just bought. Who knows!
The wife took our son this weekend, and went to her mother's to visit. This left me at home alone, and really with nothing to do. I had made plans to do a lot of work around the house, but my favorite baseball team was in action on the television, so I found myself relaxing on the sofa and enjoying a good game. I did miss the wife and son and was happy to see them return Sunday evening.
I had a young lady enter my pharmacy the other day looking for work. She seemed eager and qualified, but I just don't think I am ready for new associates or technicians at the moment. Maybe later on, when things are running smoothly and the workload is easier to hand off, I'll consider it. Meanwhile Julie and I have been talking about having more kids even more than usual. We both think it is time for a new addition and for our son to have a baby sister or brother.