McGwire's Steroid Recipe

Mcgwire' S Steroid Recipe - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 11th Jun, 2010 - 3:10am

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Cheating in Baseball
Post Date: 13th Mar, 2005 - 1:02pm / Post ID: #

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McGwire's Steroid Recipe


The recipe called for 1/2 cc of testosterone cypionate every three days; one cc of testosterone enanthate per week; equipoise and winstrol v, 1/4 cc every three days, injected into the buttocks, one in one cheek, one in the other.

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13th Mar, 2005 - 11:10pm / Post ID: #

Recipe Steroid McGwires

My take on the Mark McGwire issue is that Barry Bond's has somehow been able to move the limelight away from himself onto Mark instead. I am not saying that past players should not be investigated, but I think the bigger issue at stake is the status of current players, such as Bonds, and their dealings with steroids. Bonds also has a lot more to lose if he is found to be guilty of using illegal steroids as he has the Home Run record and is chasing the All-Time HR record as well.
McGwire, while he was a player, was investigated to some extent, and was found to be taking anabolic steroids, which, at the time, were not illegal in Major League Baseball. I really despise what Jose Canseco has done, as it would seem he is just lashing out at those who ended up with a better career than he did, and I hope he gets his fair share, as he has openly admitted steroid use in his book. The Congressional hearings on Mar 17th will go a long way to determining the future and popularity of Major League Baseball. I will be intently following this as it progresses as Baseball is one of my favorite sports to watch.

14th Mar, 2005 - 6:56am / Post ID: #

McGwire's Steroid Recipe Sports & Fashion Music Movies

As a huge Cardinals and McGuire fan, I really hope this is not true. However, I am somewhat bemused by the fact that none of the people Canseco outted in his book have served him with a law suit. While I realize that it would be very difficult for them to actually win a liable law suit, it is still strange that no one has even filed just as a threat. I saw Canseco recently on a interview and my impression was that this guy was not too bright. Actually, I am not sure he is bright enough to concoct a story of the magnitude he may have to get some money. I could be and hopefullly am wrong.

I really dont think that this will harm baseball. Most likely, it will just be a huge news item that does not die and will take a few memories down with it.

My thoughts,


Post Date: 11th Jan, 2010 - 8:24pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Recipe Steroid McGwires

McGwire's Steroid Recipe

Mark McGwire Tells the AP He Was Using Steroids When He Broke the Home Run Record in 1998 [3:08 p.m. ET] Ref. ABC News

12th Jan, 2010 - 1:31am / Post ID: #

Recipe Steroid McGwires

Hardly shocking. Everyone knew he was on Andro when it was found in his locker during an interview, so it isnt too surprising that he was using more and regularly. I do hope that he has gotten any permanent damage from the use.

The owners knew this was going on and turned a blind eye. Actually, Tony LaRussa has mentioned using McGwire as a pinch hitter this year (I would assume to postpone final decisions on his HOF voting another 5 years after they have dealt with the questions of Bonds, Sosa and Clemens).

Reconcile Edited: Vincenzo on 12th Jan, 2010 - 1:35am

11th Jun, 2010 - 2:56am / Post ID: #

McGwire's Steroid Recipe

Do these guys like McGwire and [insert other sports names here] ever think about the long term consequences of what they do or is it all a spur of the moment decision that leads to some ind of addiction like meths or heroine?

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11th Jun, 2010 - 3:02am / Post ID: #

McGwire's Steroid Recipe

I don't think it is like that but the addiction to a life that few others can enjoy that has rewards that are pretty nice might be enough. These guys are professional atheletes and they are revired. They get special treatment. For their entire lifes, they have been attached to their exploits on whatever sports field they play.

They are competitive to the ultimate degree.

They will do whatever is legal or hard to prove illegal to keep an edge and continue that lifestyle.

11th Jun, 2010 - 3:10am / Post ID: #

McGwire's Steroid Recipe Movies Music Fashion & Sports

I don't see why they should be setup good for the rest of their lives. All they did was cheat their way to a win and they should be labeled with big letters CHEATER. Their actions basically took away the glory from someone who played their game without having to cheat.

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