Kids Do The Darndest Things!

Kids Darndest Things! - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 17th Apr, 2012 - 11:05pm

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16th Mar, 2005 - 6:55pm / Post ID: #

Kids Do The Darndest Things!

You have probably heard the expression "kids say the darndest things" well, how about some of the silly things they do that just defy logic or sense. For example, every time my grandson comes over to my house he moves his toothbrush. I have an electric type toothbrush that has a holder where you store everyone's individual toothbrush head. Every time he comes over he moves all of the toothbrushes around within the holder. In fact, once a few weeks ago, I wasn't paying attention and I put my toothbrush on the machine and gave it to him to brush his teeth (each one looks alike but their is a colored band at the bottom that is different for each person). Well, AFTER he finishes brushing his teeth, he asks me why I gave him my toothbrush to brush his teeth! shocked.gif' /><!--endemo--> <br /><br />Can you explain that to me?<br /><br />So, what funny things have you experienced with young kids that don't seem to make any sense but seem persistent? </p><div> </div> </div>



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Post Date: 16th Mar, 2005 - 11:46pm / Post ID: #

Kids Do The Darndest Things!
A Friend

Things Darndest The Kids

Thats funny! I have a great one that my son said yesterday. He was going around spitting, not allot of spit, just the motion. I of course had to stop this, but first wanted to find out why he was doing it. Well, he informed me that the printer does it and he was being a printer! I didn't understand at first until he had me print something, it which, when the paper came out, he said it was spitting paper out! laugh.gif He interpreted the paper printing as spitting out paper and was being a printer! How weird, yet very amusing!

17th Mar, 2005 - 7:28pm / Post ID: #

Kids Do The Darndest Things! Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

Konquererz, I cracked up reading about your son being a printer! Now that is some real imagination. He probably has heard someone say something like "just wait a minute while my printer spits out a copy of this for you." It is a pretty common saying. It is funny how their little minds work.

17th Mar, 2005 - 7:50pm / Post ID: #

Things Darndest The Kids

Everytime Felipe is sick, no matter how sick he is, he would say something like "Felipe is sicky, Felipe needs KFC" rolleyes.gif (Kentucky Fried Chicken, very popular in Trinidad). He is something else...

He had also a "girlfriend" at school named Ivanna, a few days ago he told me that "Ivanna is not his girlfriend anymore" and that his new girlfriend is Sophia. My husband asked the teacher today about it and she said Felipe does not like Ivanna anymore because "she keeps bossing him around and he is fed up" *laughs* that's why he changed girlfriend so quick...although today when he reach home he told me both of them are his "girlfriends" Oh boy..and he is only four!

He also has an Elmo that he talks to and plays with...but at night when is time to go to brush his teeth and use the potty, he wants Elmo to use the potty too! there is mommy taking Elmo to the potty so Felipe will go too...and brush his teeth too! and don't forget to make Elmo gargle with water!.

Post Date: 17th May, 2005 - 9:09am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Things Darndest The Kids


Doctors working in emergency rooms aren't surprised when children come in with peanuts or raisins stuck inside noses. Nor is it rare to see children who have swallowed pennies, nickels and dimes. "If you can imagine it," Dr. Morgan Grant says, "a kid has done it."

17th May, 2005 - 4:29pm / Post ID: #

Kids Do The Darndest Things!

I was watching a news segment on TV the other day about the objects that have been found inside kids. One kid had a quarter lodged in his throat, horizontally inclined. Another had a hair clip in her stomach. The X-rays of some of these were unbelievable. What was more unbelievable was when they interviewed some of the kids. The one who had the quarter said something like this:

"I saw the quarter on the ground, picked it up and put it on my tongue. Then it disappeared"

What? Why would he pick a quarter up and first instinct be to put it on his tongue? That really floored me. Kids had marbles, magnets, safety pins (opened) and toothpicks inside them. One kid even had a small toy car in there. It is really strange what kids will put in their mouths. I get after my 2-year old all the time about him even putting his hands in his mouth, because I know those hands are really not clean. I hope I don't ever have to go through him swallowing something, God forbid! That would really freak me out!

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Post Date: 17th Apr, 2012 - 11:05pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Kids The Darndest Things!

Comedy fest gets a bit magical

It is a documented fact kids laugh around 30 times a day more than adults. And sure, kids are amusing in an America's-Funniest-Home-Videos kind of way, but what do they think is funny? Is it all fart jokes and falling over? Ref. Source 4

> TOPIC: Kids Do The Darndest Things!


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