My kids have to have the closet light on. I'm not real sure what they are afraid of. My youngest son will not go into the bathroom in daylight if the light isn't on, same with the play area. He wont even attempt to turn on the light himself, he will ask one of us. This isn't the case with the oldest son of 5 years. I cant get him to tell me what he is afraid of, but I think it is fear of the unknown, he cant see, so he doesn't know whats in there.
Well, I am an adult and I am still afraid of the dark. I think, I am still afraid, in part, because of how my parents handled it. They weren't supportive, but rather ridiculed me for it and even sometimes scared me as a joke. Of course, these memories are as a teenager, but it is likely they weren't terribly supportive before then either, I just don't remember. I think the best thing to do is allow them the light and just teach them over time that there is nothing to be afraid of. Of course, I personally think there can be something to fear, but certainly not as a young child with your parents in the other room.
As an adult, if I am the only one home at night, I will leave the TV on to while I fall asleep. The light from the TV keeps the room lit and then it turns off on its own after a preset time. I am not really afraid of the dark, but, rather, what could be lurking in the dark. This is probably true of young children. I still remember, vividly a few bad dreams I had where there were evil things in the hallway or my bedroom closet. My parents didn't take my concerns seriously. I think it is most healthy if we do.
I totally agree with Tena, I think parents should be supportive of their children's fears by listening to them and doing something about it. Some parents treat children as adults and they do not understand that their fears are real.
I will not say my son is afraid of the dark but he obviously will not go alone into a dark room without turning the light first. He does not need any light to sleep, but he needs his mommy...I guess I am kind like a light that he needs to feel secure.
When I was little, we lived on dairy farms. I worked outside all the time. Many times, I had to be outside late in the evening. Since we lived on farms, in the mountains (SE Idaho), there wasn't much light pollution, so it really was dark outside.
I was always very nervous. It wasn't even the thought of what might be lurking, it was more that there was no way to KNOW what was out there. It was especially bad when I had to go to a calf shed or a barn, and search around for the light. There were always things to trip on, slip in, or bump into. Some of those things were pretty dangerous, such as pitchforks, nails, etc.
Even now, I am a bit nervous walking around outside in the dark. I am not really bothered inside.
When I was young, I used to be very scared of the dark/what was in the dark/lurking things in the dark. You wouldn't find me going into a room without turning on a light! I can't recall that my mother ever dealt with it at all.
Now that I'm older, I am okay when I'm in my own house, or even in my office (which I discovered when the power went out once and it was pitch black). But outside or in a strange place, I'm not comfortable at all -- I wouldn't say scared, necessarily, but nervous.
And my poor daughter...
Name: Nono
Comments: What is the solution to overcome this fear [of the dark]?