The amount of commercials they show in Cinema these days is almost worst than television. I thought the whole idea of paying money was to get away from the television 'effect', but it might just be that Cinemas are losing money and need to find unique ways to pay their bills? What do you think?
(NOTE: I have a thread about this issue in the T&T Board too for those of you who are specifically interested in Trini Cinemas.)
As someone who seldom watches commercials at home, I find it irritating to have to watch them in a movie theater after paying nearly eight bucks to get in.
I agree. I don't like sitting through a handful of commercials before a movie. It is a waste of my time. Plus, the commercials they show on the big screen aren't even produced for a cinema environment. They are the same ones they show on regular TV. Take away the commercials and show me more previews please.
The problem is actors are paid far too much to star in the movies. I don't see the need either. Many movies are successful without such megastars. However, that is how it works. So, with such high salaries and then add the other production costs, the fee to the theaters to rent and show the movie is extremely high. I think they must find ways to reduce their costs without increasing ticket prices. However, do theaters that show commercials charge less for tickets than those that don't. I doubt it. So, it may be another money maker, but it isn't helping reduce my ticket price.