I think of posting something like this: Exile's remains at the corner to keep an eye on the locker room's door. Zeus - without rushing/running - crosses the corridor looking for a guard or a familiar face (to sent it for a guard). Meanwhile, he's constantly checks on Exile. If the brawlers come out, Exile makes a sign and with Zeus, they will follow them. Is it OK with you?
Konq: I talked to JB and he said you can join, so my suggestion is this: Intellekt sees Exile, Zeus and the guards conversation and gets involved in the discussion/action. How does it sound?
Exile: What do you say when we (I mean Zeus and the guard) get there?
IC: Exile is very nervous because of the threat she just received but she is a strong woman. She gulps, look at Zeus and says:
"They just left. They said they would slash my throat if I speak up but I am not afraid of them. They went that way (she points the direction). We should go inside and see if the guy is okay, I'm afraid they may have kill him", she says while looking at the guard...she then adds...
"You all (referring to the guards) take so long, the guy can be dead by now, I am sure if we have told you all we had chocolate chip cookies and donuts, you should have rush here", she says while shaking her head in anger and frustration.
I.C. "Calm down Exile! I don't think this tone of yours would get things better. Let's go inside and see what happened". Seing Intellekt approaching, Zeus says: "Care to join us, my friend?"
O.O.C.: I'll wait one hour ... If I get no feed-back in this period, I'll post that all four of us (Intellekt, Exile, Zeus and the guard) go in the locker room to see what happened.
Here is my testimony to the guards: "I was in the locker room, getting ready for work, when I met Exile. We started to talk and the next minute we noticed that there was no one else in around us, except for the fact that we heard some strange noises from the other side of the locker room. I decided to take a look, while Exile went to the door. When I got closer I noticed three big guys harassing one of my co-workers. I tried to speak to them, but when they saw me, one of them made it clear for me, that if I don't leave the room, I'd be sorry. Together - with Exile - we left the locker room in a hurry. We decided that Exile will stay to check the door, while I go to alert the guards. You know the rest of the story. I haven't see them get out, but I'm sure Exile tells the truth." Edited: RaulDrake on 10th Aug, 2005 - 8:08pm