Instructions: Answer the following questions based on the point system below:
You are reverent 60-65
You are almost reverent 40-59
You need improvement 29-39
You need to change your life! 0-28
Never = 0
Sometimes = 2
Most of the time = 4
Always = 5
1. I come to meetings on time
2. I listen carefully
3. I dress appropriately
4. I speak with a soft voice
5. I walk quietly in Church
6. I talk only at appropriate times
7. I keep in remembrance I am in the Lord's dedicated meeting house
8. I have a good attitude to all sacred things
9. I set a good example
10. I respect and honor my parents
11. I show reverence in my home and towards my family
12. I remain seated until the closing prayer is said
13. I participate when asked.
1. 4
2. 4
3. 5
4. 5
5. 5
6. 4
7. 2
8. 4
9. 4
10. 5
11. 5
12. 5
13. 5
OOh, I am almost reverant. Close but no cigar, so to speak. Number 7 killed me because for some reason I do not think of that specific fact very often. I probably should have given myself a 2 on number 1 because I used to be late QUITE often, before I got married because my husband HATES to be late, which has been great to help me improve.