What Will Humans Look Like In 1/2 A Million Years? - Page 4 of 6

Name: Jasper Country: Title: Evolution is - Page 4 - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 4th Jul, 2011 - 3:27pm

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Post Date: 24th Jan, 2011 - 3:42am / Post ID: #

What Will Humans Look Like In 1/2 A Million Years? - Page 4

Name: SiC

Comments: I'm not being racist or anything, I'm not like that but one possibility to that is that; they are still evolving. There are different kind of humans.. Maybe we are along different lines of evolution (I think Asians are way ahead... They're too smart)... And to go along with that and the main post asains are shorter bald easier they have a yellowish skin which can pale, They are very intelligent. So who says we aren't evolving or in the midst of it.

Personally I can't imagine what we will be like. Last night I thought to myself...where will our race be in 100 million years (Kinda how I found this post). I can't fathum how far our technology will reach in 100 million years, or will we still be around? What galaxies will we have reached, what will we live in, what will we drive? But that's a good point, what will we look like how will we have adapted to space and different planets...

Evolution is a tricky process, Snakes have anal spurs that point to the fact that snakes at one point had legs. How many though? Did they walk upright? Did they have arms? And why loose it in evolution? Will we slither in the future?

It's all very complex and I personally can't wait. (I believe in reincarnation), It'll be some time but I want to be there.

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Post Date: 24th Jan, 2011 - 4:12am / Post ID: #

Years Million Like Humans What

Name: SiC

Comments: I'm not being racist or anything, I'm not like that but one possibility to that is that; they are still evolving. There are different kind of humans.. Maybe we are along different lines of evolution (I think Asians are way ahead... They're too smart)... And to go along with that and the main post Asians are shorter bald easier they have a yellowish skin which can pale, They are very intelligent. So who says we aren't evolving or in the midst of it.

Personally I can't imagine what we will be like. Last night I thought to myself...where will our race be in 100 million years (Kinda how I found this post). I can't fathum how far our technology will reach in 100 million years, or will we still be around? What galaxies will we have reached, what will we live in, what will we drive? But that's a good point, what will we look like how will we have adapted to space and different planets...

Evolution is a tricky process, Snakes have anal spurs that point to the fact that snakes at one point had legs. How many though? Did they walk upright? Did they have arms? And why loose it in evolution? Will we slither in the future?

It's all very complex and I personally can't wait. (I believe in reincarnation), It'll be some time but I want to be there.

Post Date: 1st Feb, 2011 - 11:43am / Post ID: #

What Will Humans Look Like In 1/2 A Million Years? UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

Name: Jim

Comments: Skeletal evidence shows an evolution from millions of years ago up to the point humans came into existence. Carbon dating places these skeletal remains into sequence and shows how the human race evolved into the way it did. Many people who believe in creationism (most people actually) place humans at the beginning of time, but evidence shows that species with thought capabilities to create tools before humans have existed. The fox P2 gene that allows humans to verbally communicate have been found to be in other species such as Neanderthals. The human brain has allowed for the survival of the human race since it has been in existence. It is the very reason why humans have been able to live for how ever long we have been on this earth. Erect species remains with gradual increased brain capacities who used tools have been found and dated to before humans have existed. There is a reason why we have found these remains but not human remains dating prior to 33,000 years ago. The debate has been over two ways humans have come into existence 1 being creation and 2 being evolution. There is no scientific proof to believe in creationism. Creationism's only argument is that "evolution can't happen". However, there is a reason why it is virtually a unanimous (maybe even 100%) agreement with all scientists, professors, and experts in the field of the creation of humans believe evolution in humans is how we became what we are. If all other species on this planet that exist now and have existed in the past have been a part of evolution, then humans have been as well.

4th Feb, 2011 - 6:26pm / Post ID: #

Page 4 Years Million Like Humans What

I don't really understand the above comment. Are you giving history or joining in the topic?

I think we have evolved in a sense already from a couple hundred years ago. As we have become more civilized and understood things more our concepts have changed. Our minds are way more advanced I would say than someone from a hundred years ago.

I remember hearing that this new generation is having their brains altered by how they take in information. Some claim it is a bad thing and that we are loosing the ability to focus. I wonder what we are gaining in that process though.

Perhaps when we evolve it won't be a physical thing but more of a mental or internal evolution. Something you can't really lay under a microscope and say, "Ok ya we evolved here".

Post Date: 12th Apr, 2011 - 11:44am / Post ID: #

Years Million Like Humans What

Name: Jeremy

Comments: I just came across this site, and thought I would explain evolution to anyone that was wondering.

To that quote the lady said,

international QUOTE
"If humans evolved from apes, why are apes still here?"

Humans did NOT evolve from apes. We, AND apes, evolved from a common ancestor. Also, evolution can be proven, look up the Galapagos bird experiment. The distribution of animals over earth, and the fossil record also support evolution.

Source 1: Richard Dawkins
Source 2: Charles Darwin

Post Date: 15th May, 2011 - 12:25pm / Post ID: #

What Will Humans Look Like In 1/2 A Million Years?

Name: Kevin

Comments: Actually alien means strange or unfamiliar not just otherworldly.So say for example you were in suspended animation for 300 years when you woke up the world might have changed so much such as customs, religion, daily life or even countries have changed so that would make life in the future alien to you in the fact that it is strange and unusual.

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Post Date: 15th May, 2011 - 2:40pm / Post ID: #

What Will Humans Look Like In 1/2 A Million Years?
A Friend

What Humans Like 1/2 Million Years - Page 4

I don't think we will be here in that timeline. Humans will be a thing of the past being dug up for research in seeking where it all began. I also think that every book claiming of a higher power will be gone.
I think that whatever is next will have its own ideas and someone/thing will have an idea and write a book and then all the other beings will worship the idea and a new world of war and destruction will begin.

Post Date: 4th Jul, 2011 - 3:27pm / Post ID: #

What Humans Like 1/2 Million Years Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO - Page 4

Name: Jasper

Title: Evolution is real...

Comments: Ok, listen, god-lady, I don't think you quite understand that evolution is essentially scientifically proven FACT. I'm sorry if you don't "buy it" but yes, every living thing thing on this planet evolved through genetic mutation and natural selection from basic single-celled organisms into the complex beings they are today. Mutation is, by definition, not exact. One micro-organism would mutate into this and another would mutate into that and their offspring would mutate into this and into that until, millions of years later, you have two completely different animals. Evolution is fact. I apologise if this offends you, in no way does this rule out god. God may very well have created the universe and the Earth and its basic bacteria and then sat back and allowed evolution to slowly and naturally occur. "Humans are too complex to be an accident", actually, no. This is wrong. Our extremely basic ancestors started off being, well, basic. They then produced children. Of course, over time the translation and production of genetic material is not an absolutely exact process and some errors occurred, resulting in some offspring being MUTATED and having adverse and unusual characteristics. If this mutation, these "characteristics" happened to help them to evade predation or otherwise survive then these mutants would live where the non-evolved offspring would not, resulting in these mutants becoming dominant. The food chain gets more complex the further you go through the earth's biological timeline, when the whole of nature is constantly competing for survival only the most complex creatures will survive and thus, every animal evolves and becomes "more complex". Your argument is flawed. Oh and actually, we are descended from organisms significantly more basic than "pond scum". Obviously the years of mandatory and possibly expensive education were wasted on one as either ignorant or obstinate as you.

Source 1: Cambridge, Biology degree

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