What were you shooting? Different guns have different weight and balance, you might just need to find the one that's right for you. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
1. YEs I know how to disable a safety
2. Yes I know how to load a gun
3. Yes I know how to hold a gun
4. a gun is a gun is a gun. Give one I will shoot it
I have shot a number of weapons both growing up and in the military. I currently own a 243 rifle and a 40/10mm pistol. I am a very good shot and would have no problem shooting it to save my life or the life of another.
Mostly all I have used are rifles I was not the best shot I think it was because my left eye is dominate and I do not feel comfortable firing with left hand.
Safety most likely be able to find and remove.
Loading is same
If a rifle I will be ok not having shot at a person I will not judge if I could or could not.
International Level: Senior Politician / Political Participation: 188 18.8%
Yes, I would be able to shoot a gun if necessary. I grew up around guns, have shot guns and currently own guns. A person should not own a gun if they are not willing to use it if necessary. I have a healthy respect for them, I wish more people did. If you are going to have a gun you should know how to be safe around them. And they should be kept out of access of children, with the ammo stored separate from the guns.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 32 3.2%
Name: Mark
Comments: I feel I could shoot if given the chance but the gun laws are so strict I might never get it unless I join the military or become a bobby.
I grew up around firearms and have fired many different types of pistols and rifles. So, I can confidently say that I could handle most firearms without much trouble. During my younger years I worked with the local police department and had, at times, held a shotgun in defense. I never had to fire at someone, but I believe that with my training and experience I could defend myself or someone else.
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 0 0%
The first time I shot a gun we were in a ranch in Utah trying to hit a US one dollar coin. It may have been a BB gun, I'm not sure as I was only around nine years old.
The second time was when I was 15 in Maryland. I was part of a varsity troop that went skeet shooing and I had a pump action shot gun that was very heavy. I was pretty good at it for the short time we did that.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%