I'm sure this can be called a religion. The people who follow this path do believe in something higher then themselves. I however think its nothing supernatural. On the contrary, I think planetary orbits are both predictable and completely natural and there by excluding them from supernatural happenings. By virtue of what it is, it cant have supernatural power to show your future. I think that anytime something gets foretold by the stars or zodiac signs, it is nothing more than mere coincidence.
I agree with Konquererz. I don't think you can really predict behavior or happenings by looking at the stars or by what day in a particular year you were born. I think the traits assigned to each zodiak sign are so general, they fit everyone to some extent. I have many of the traits identified as being Gemini, but I am sure I also have many of the traits associated with being Leo or Cancer.
I have many of the traits identified as being Gemini, but I am sure I also have many of the traits associated with being Leo or Cancer |
I do not believe in Zodiac signs at all! I ignore the daily horoscopes in the newspaper, and don't even care what birthstone I have. In my opinion, it is more of an occult practise than anything else, and there is no rhyme or reason to it. For some people it is almost like a religion, as they base their entire lives around it. For me, I don't see anything legitimate about it, but I won't bash anyone else for believing in it either.
My mom faithfully reads her -- and everyone in the family's -- "horror-scope" every day in the newspaper. I don't think she really believes it, she just reads it for the entertainment value. What I think is interesting is that the newspaper carries a disclaimer that these are "entertainment value only"! I guess they don't want to be sued if the prophecy isn't fulfilled.
I don't believe that our personality traits are determined by which "sign" we're born under, nor do I believe that one can read the future from the stars. I was certainly surprised when a friend of my ex-husband showed up for dinner one night with our "star charts" in hand. It's all very complicated. He said you can tell from star charts for a pair of twins which one has a mole on their left cheek.
I do, however, believe that we are influenced by "heavenly bodies." Just ask anyone in the medical or other emergency response field what happens when there is a full moon -- more babies are born, more fights occur, more emergency medical issues happen with humans and animals.
And many of the signs of crucial heavenly events are given in the sky. There was the new star shining over Bethlehem when Jesus was born, there were three days and three nights of darkness when he was crucified, etc. There will be other signs in the heavens in the future, as well.
Here's a quote from Genesis:
14 ¶ And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:(Old Testament | Genesis 1:14) |
I don't base my life off of the stars, rather I use it as insight. It may not tell the future but it gives you hope or something to look forward to. Like people in a church who sing the psalms, people see the stars as a guide, others believe it's a crock. I don't see it as a religion either and I kind of laugh at people who get upset at something that is or doesn't happen.
Astrology is chided in the Bible (especially in Daniel) as a foul art and according to Deu 18:10-12 is one of the practices (observer of times) forbidden by God.
It is a perversion by man (beginning at Babel) of the Gospel of Christ that God revealed to man in the Stars from the Beginning. This perversion caused man to begin to look to the stars for guidence rather than to Christ.
The true purpose of the Mazzaroth (Job 38:32) is to display the glory of God in Christ as explained in Psalm 19:1-6. It is what Abraham understood in Genesis 15:5.
Astrology begins with Aries (Greek god of war)... The Mazzaroth begins with Virgo (Bethulah in Hebrew) that tells of a Child born of a Virgin. The second group of stars called Moznayim (Libra) tells of the emptiness of man and his sin. Akrab (Scorpio), the 3rd, refers to conflict between Christ and Satan. Fourth is Sagitarious group telling of Christ's victory over Satan. Fifth group is Azazel (scapegoat=Sagetarious) displaying resurrection. Sixth in Hebrew is Deli (buckets of water) or Aquarius. Seventh is is Dagim (Pices) telling of two groups of people, Jews and Gentiles. Eighth is the group within Aries whose star names describe a bride preparing for her wedding (The Bride of Christ... The Church). Ninth group, Taurus, tells of coming judgement. Tenth Thaumin (Gemeni) tells of a Servant King to whom all knees shall bow. The 11th eroneously called Cancer by Astrologetic perversion actually is called Praespe or eternal resting place. The 12th group called Leo refers to the ultimate destruction of Satan by the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Jesus.
This is the briefest of outlines but a facinating study as the names of the stars in these groups reveal and their ancient and biblical descriptors show forth God's eternal plan. Truly "The Heavens declare the Glory of God.... Ps 19:1-6