You must maintain a jog for this to work or in other words both feet must not be on the ground at the same time. The measurement is in miles.
My longest without stopping was 12 and after that I never attempted to break it. There was a time I used to run seven miles a day, can you believe that? Now, running a mile is an impossibility if I do not stop at least two or three times.
My longest run without stopping is 5 miles. Every Friday in the Army we do a company run. I am 33 years old and have to keep up with my younger soldier's. ( 18 year olds)
I used to be able to run about 2-3 miles when I played football all the time. Yesterday, I started running again and ran for 0.8 mile, because I had set a limit to where we would stop. Plus I was running with my 10-year old and didn't want to kill her on our first run. I felt ok though and wasn't out of breath, so I probably could have finished the mile and probably added 0.5 mile on to it. I didn't time myself, because I hate checking to see how long I've been working out. We ran the 0.8 mile, then walked briskly back, and it took us about 25-30 minutes total.