I was talking about the other people and organizations who are urging the Catholic church to change itself. What the members of the church, and the leadership of the church, have to say about it is what is important.
From bugs to lasers to cell phones, the Vatican is on guard for high-tech eavesdropping ahead of Monday's opening of the conclave to elect a new pope to lead the Roman Catholic Church.
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/04/14/pope.spying/index.html
The next pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church could be a Brazilian cardinal who gave refuge to striking workers pursued by police helicopters. It could be a Nigerian whose parents worshipped African gods, a bookish Viennese who speaks five languages, an Italian who speaks only his home tongue, or an Argentine who rides a bus to work in his diocese.
Ref. https://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1%2C1249%2C...26953%2C00.html
White smoke and ringing bells signal selection of new pope.
Joseph Ratzingner from Germany elected new Pope. He will be known as Benedict 16th. He has already declared that the Church will not change against the secular values of the Western World.
Ref. BBC Live
I have been browsing some blogs about the new pope. Some very interesting reading. Here is a great roundup:
Now, I have been reading the Anchoress for a couple of weeks. I really like the way she writes. Read what she has to say, then follow the links. Great stuff.
What I really like about all this is that I agree 100% with some of the blog entries. Cardinal Ratzinger MUST be the right person for the job, just based on who is frothing at the mouth in hatred of him!
I must say, they really, really HATE him, and they"re not even trying to hide it. No honeymoon for Benedict XVI. I just heard someone on CNN call him a "Catholic NEOCON." You KNOW how much they hate neocons! ![]() |
The Same Values of Pope John Paul II
I followed a link from that blog to here:
It give a more clear understanding of why some are happy and some are not about the new Pope, but keep in mind - just like anything new - everyone has to get used to it:
"But the reaction was decidedly mixed when Cardinal Ratzinger's name was announced. Some slapped and shouted jubilantly. But an equal number stood by silently and listened. A small number of people wandered out of the square as he spoke."
Benedict the 16th has mixed reviews because he has been considered the Popes enforcer. When the Pope says something, it was his job to lay down the law. Electing him as Pope ensures that JP2's views and way of doing things is preserved because he held the same views.
Now I understand that a persons past is in the past. But the very fact that he was part of the Nazi party makes me against him. Of course he says that he was an unwilling participant, but so does everyone who gets found out. Even former guards that where held trial said it was against their will. The point is, we don't really know for sure, so why take a chance. Why take the chance that the new pope could even possibly agree with any sentiment of Nazi party beliefs? Most people disagree with me on this issue, but most people also dismiss my argument out of hand with out even thinking about it. Its easier to dismiss it than to think about the repercussions of me being right.
Now I understand that a persons past is in the past. But the very fact that he was part of the Nazi party makes me against him. Of course he says that he was an unwilling participant, but so does everyone who gets found out. |