I became Catholic just this past Easter. I had been attending Catholic church with my girlfriend for the past couple of years, she's a cradle Catholic, and I decided to convert. At first it was so much different from the Baptist church I was attending, but I felt there was something more at the Catholic church.
Well for some reason I stumbled upon this section and during Lent at that. I have been a Catholic all my life and Catholicism is the religion for me because no other religion has the devotion to Mary and the Eucharist. To others the bread and wine offered at Mass is a representation or symbol of the body and blood of Christ. As Catholics we believe IT IS the body and blood of Christ. What can beat that? We also have the devotion to Mary that others seem to shy away from because many believe that we pray to Mary as God. We know this is not true. Also have we noticed that our faiths do not change. Sadly though some of us lose sight of what is really important. I can talk all day about why I think being Catholic is the choice for me but the most important to me is the Eucharist.
Name: Malene
Comments: We have a saying in our home... "I was born Catholic and will die as a Catholic". I'm almost 60 and have still been true to that.
I was born and raised in various protestant churches; I can remember Presbyterian, and a visit to a Methodist Church, but for the most part my family attended a Baptist Church, albeit sporadically. As a child I remember a few times going to Sunday School but my family were not real consistent in terms of attending church services.
When I was about seventeen I went Pagan; Eclectic Wiccan to be exact and would spend the next seven years or so in that faith, which oddly enough I feel sort of prepared me for my conversion to Catholicism. Wicca gave me an appreciation for ritual, symbolism, and a foundation for the belief that outward actions and expressions can mimic inward transformation/processes. This gave me an appreciation and an ability to wrap my mind around the Sacraments as well as the concept of transubstantiation which I'm not sure I would have been able to do as readily as a Protestant converting to Catholicism. The Wiccan focus on a divine feminine, I.e. A goddess, also aided my transition in accepting a greater role and focus on Mary the Mother of God, which as a Protestant was largely alien to me at the time.
I was exposed to Catholicism primarily through my wife. We were married in the church, despite my pagan faith, and I would attend mass with her on occasion when I was in college. My wife and I dated for a couple of years and then after we were married for about a year I decided to convert. My decision came, not as a means to please my wife as she never pressured me to convert, but rather there was just something there in the Mass that just seemed to grab me, and there was something about the rosary that drew me in as well though I couldn't really articulate what that was. Then I went to a little Catholic store to buy my wife a rosary for her birthday and a guy there gave me a CD that explained the Mass and the rosary and I started to take a closer look at the Church.
I made the decision to convert in 2004, went through an RCIA program and received my first communion in 2005 at the age of 25. I had already been baptized in the Baptist faith and that was deemed a valid baptism so I didn't need to be baptized again. I consider myself a devoted Catholic; I attend Mass every Sunday and we are fortunate to now have a priest in my little rural community who is able to offer Mass on Wednesdays and Thursdays as well and I usually attend those. I drive my wife crazy anymore because I absolutely hate missing Mass, and so where she once attended sporadically, she quickly discovered that whenever possible, we were going to Mass; actually it was more of an I'm going to Mass whether you are or not, and she felt guilty I think, knowing that her once Pagan husband was now more devoted to going to Mass than she was whether we felt like it that day or not.
Name: Salv
Comments: After taking my Catechism class I knew I was in the right place and my preparation was complete. I love the church and his Holiness the Pope.
I was baptized a catholic when I was a year old. Both my parents were catholic. In our country, Philippines, majority of the population are Catholics. It was brought to us by the Spaniards when they colonized us.
I was brought up a strict Catholic. Meaning, church every Sunday, regular confessions, observance of lent and days of fasting or abstinence. Daily praying of the rosary during the month of Our Lady of the Rosary every October. Attending processions of saints and patron feast day.
All my kids have been baptized as Catholics too.
During my med school days, I rarely went to mass or observed Catholic traditions. I don't know why and it's not because I lacked the belief or faith since I still pray a lot specially when I was an intern and started to handle patients.
I became a regular churchgoer again after I left Alcoholic Rehab. I guess, my downfall made me want to be closer with the Lord. Praying alone and going to mass and praying with a lot of people is really different. I just feel this different kind of happiness now compared to when I went to church when I was a kid. Because when I was a kid, I went to church because that was what was expected from me by my parents. But now, I hear mass because I want to. Because I really feel closer to God whenever I attend the mass.