This books contains the best articles and short stories printed in the New Era about the Aaronic Priesthood. There are stories from the 80's but it is a wonderful book!. I had tears in my eyes reading some of these stories and I wish every parent who have children in the Aaronic Priesthood can have this book and teach from it to their boys. After reading this book I realised once again that our young people are all the same no matter where they are from, most of them do not want to go to Church, they feel inadecuate, some of them are very "goofy" and do not understand the purpose of their sacred calling...but when they are giving the opportunity to serve others, specially those who are in great need, they learn..and they become great individuals. I recommend this book to every LDS and non-LDS parent!.
It has been a long time since I have read stories from this book, but I do remember a lot of them being shared in Priesthood meetings, because they were so effective. The best thing about the Book is that the stories are real events by real people and therefore most can relate.