Wanted: Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters
I've looked at this section being active and now it seems to have slowed down a lot. I think there needs to be more consistent / active Dungeon Masters (Dungeon Masters) that can run games on a daily basis and motivate their players. If anyone feels they are up to the task I can help setup a system here for you so long as you can prove your willingness to stay active in it. Feel free to Reply here if you have questions.
All requirements to be a Dungeon Master: How To Be A Game Master / Dungeon Master
I like totally wish I could do this but I can't even get being a party leader straight so I know I would be a good DM. You're right about here slowing down some. I think maybe players like have to wait too long to see the game move forward.
Why daily, and is it only D&D?
I haven't seen many - any - play by posts, with the possible exceptions of your official site ones, [JB], that do things daily, as most people need a couple days, whether they're players or GMs.
I know you've seen my thoughts on this but I want to post them here since this is specifically a thread on this subject, but I think the thing that is important to keep a Play By Post running smoothly is a set consistent schedule that all the players are aware of, and it is their responsibility to stick to, so they have their posts made by the deadline (when the GM's window starts and he can have his couple of days to look over things and decide what to do).
I know when I was playing in KNToran's game here, some days, it seemed like everybody wanted to play everyday, but other times, as party leader, I could barely get one person to post in two weeks, even when flat out nearly demanding, after asking didn't work - I personally think it was lack of a schedule, and relying on the party for the timeframe, but that's just my view on things.
I thought JB ran his games like every couple of days because I couldn't get everyone to show up in time to post daily but daily would be cool. Anyways, Jpatt has always threatened doing something here but never saw anything from him yet.
I don't really want to turn this Thread into a Discussion about how often my role-playing games run or try to compare, I have mine covered already and know I will be here for them. What I am looking for is someone to be consistent in the Member Wars section.
That would be something to work towards doing one day but my only challenge will be all the tables with numbers to cover. I don't dealing with that. Maybe I need to get myself a sub DM that can do all the numbers for me.
With KNtoran missing in action I need a serious D&D Dungeon Master who can start Scenarios at level one and be consistent so that it is not just Oliron running the show in the Member Wars Board.