Far-right leader Wilders urges ban on Turkish officials campaigning in Netherlands
The Dutch government called Turkish plans to stage a referendum campaign rally in Rotterdam "Undesirable," but stopped short of following several German cities which banned similar events. Ref. Source 3u.
I can see why a country wouldn't want another country coming in and holding political rallies in their streets. What would happen if there was violence? How would the Netherlands react? What if a Dutch citizen died? What recourse would the Netherlands have? Turkey is overreacting and calling this a fascist act is typical of where we are today. Everything is an overreaction and if you don't like it demonize it by saying the most awful things even if they aren't true.
Turkey-Netherlands row: Dutch warn citizens after Erdogan threat;
The Dutch deputy prime minister, said that "To be called Nazis by a regime which is walking backwards in regards to human rights is just disgusting". Ref. Source 2f.
The Dutch are spot on regarding this. Here is a President of turkey who has suppressed freedoms, amassed power in himself, and been generally dictatorial calling another a leader of another nation fascist? What is he thinking? He is so much closer to fascist than anyone in The Netherlands.