I have to say that I spell really rather well. This is of course with the assistance of Thy Spell Checker. Without that there would be very few here that could even pick out the high points of my replys. Spelling has never been a strong point for me. Now if all I had to do was add up the vowels and multiply by the number of words then I would be fault free.
WOW.... I typed all of that without any corrections to make says thy spell checker.
And I scored 12 of 15 just in case anyone should want to know that.
Edited: bwren on 21st Mar, 2006 - 2:26am
Thank you, Malexander, for acknowledging the rightful Spelling Queen of Yon Forum (although occasionally a blooper slips through).
Diane, that's funny about the dog quiz -- no worries, though!
Edited: FarSeer on 21st Mar, 2006 - 4:30am
How Well Can You Spell? Not bad. But you probably won't win the big spelling bee. You got 12/15 correct. |