First Wolfowitz & Now Bolton
A man once bragged his most valuable contribution as the United States' Ambassador to Indonesia was to protect the interests of large US companies in the impoverished nation.
Just over a month ago this same cartoon character, aka Paul Wolfowitz, perhaps the most hated of the Neo Cons, was Bush's nomination (appointment) as the next head of the World Bank.
What does the World Bank actually to do one may ask? Well in theory their aim is to eliminate world poverty.
In practice Wolfowitz's nomination has to be one of the most ridiculous foreign policy decisions the Bush administration could make when showered with growing global contempt.
However, just this week it seems the neo con farmers were sewing their seeds again when they announced John Bolton as the new US ambassador to the UN.
Bolton is well known for his contempt of the UN and has openly said the US should control this "international" organisation and if nobody liked it they should get stuffed.
I really can't understand the logic behind these decisions and how each of these lunatics could serve US or anyone's interest.
Is this an attempt to sew republican seeds for the future or just Bush and his cronies on smack?
I would also like to openly condemn Bush's ridiculous comparison of Saddam's statue falling with the demolition of the Berlin wall. Is he trying to be the laughing stock of world politics, or has he just been sniffing too much crude oil?
Can someone please help me make sense of this.
International Level: Negotiator / Political Participation: 453 45.3%
Sure, I will attempt to help you make sense of it.
Your constant harping on the stupidity of these moves shows how intolerant you are of conservative thought. You especially focus on the concept of "neocon".
Bush highly supports these two men, as do many, many Americans. The majority of voters in the November election supported GWB. He has the right to guide the country according to his ideals. His predecessor did so as well.
Americans are getting tired of the fact that the UN is an anti-Semitic, anti-American institution apparently devoted to the destruction of western civilization and the establishment of worldwide socialism. It is also apparently dedicated to the abolition of individual liberty. This is one good reason to have Bolton there, because he might just have the guts to stand up to some of the inmates attempting to run the asylum there. The same with Wolfowitz.
Again - Bush WON!. That pretty much sums it up. We are trying to keep things running the way they have for a very long time, very successfully. Socialism has a proven record of failure. Capitalism has a proven record of success. Capitalism has built the strongest economies in history, with the greatest prosperity for EVERYONE involved. Socialism has destroyed economies, environments, and civilizations. Capitalism has done the opposite.
So, BUSH WON! And his policies and choices will go forward, despite the obstruction of the Left, which is rapidly falling in ever greater disfavor in the United States.
I hope this has helped to clear up any confusion you might have regarding the policies of the United States. BUSH WON! And the Republicans grew STRONGER in the House and the Senate! Even better - DASCHLE LOST!
I think that last line pretty much sums it all up. Don't you?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
Well thanks for stating the obvious Night Hawk. I actually thought Kerry had won for a second.
You have a very ignorant or naive understanding of how the UN works. Do you honestly believe it currently functions without US authority? Why do you think those barbaric sanctions were in place in Iraq for so long. It makes no difference who the US Ambassador is, we both know who pulls the gold-plated strings. Bolton is as much a symbolic choice as anything because the neo cons will sharpen their knives regardless of which muppet sits in the UN hot seat.
As for Wolfowitz, the architect of the Iraq war. It amazes me that you actually believe people like him. Find me the proof? As far as the world is concerned, and he receives a frosty reception virtually everywhere he goes, he is probably the most hated politician in the current US administration. That is saying something. But of course you wouldn't know that living in the heart of rebulicanville. Not that the US seems to give a nonsense about how hated their diplomats are. Only America matters. Maybe the World Bank should change its name to the Bank of America? If not it should certainly change its now meaningless charter.
Americans are getting tired of the fact that the UN is an anti-Semitic, anti-American institution apparently devoted to the destruction of western civilization and the establishment of worldwide socialism |
Again - Bush WON!. That pretty much sums it up. We are trying to keep things running the way they have for a very long time, very successfully. |
Socialism has a proven record of failure. Capitalism has a proven record of success. |
International Level: Negotiator / Political Participation: 453 45.3%
User arvhic desist immediately from your personal insults to members of this community or your account will be suspended or deleted. Disagreements are permitted but not personal insults directed at their level of intelligence or knowledge.
But of course you wouldn't know that living in the heart of rebulicanville. |
I think the main point I am trying to make is that the US is making very unpopular foreign policy decisions that will one day come back to haunt them. |
Offtopic but, If you would like to discuss the anti-Semitic, anti-American nature of the UN, we have a discussion ongoing about the UN. The same with the socialist activities that are coming out of it. If you would like to talk about the way Mr. Bush has run his administration, we also have a couple of topics open on that subject. I suggest that you read through all of the discussions in any such topics before you post on them, though. I, along with many others, have posted a lot of information already, much of it that would answer many of your criticisms of my posts. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
Where do I start ?
Yes, we make unpopular foreign policy decisions, because so much of the world is envious of our prosperity and freedom |
One thing we know about Mr. Bolton is that he will work for the United States, not for the United Nations. His job will be to represent the interests of the government of the US within the UN, not the other way around. |
Isn't the above the exact reason why the UN doesn't work. The americans only interest in the UN is their own self interest? |
With freedom comes justice, when the US closes Guantanamo and allows for real justice to take place (ie fair trials) then you can talk about freedom |
To sum things up, I think both Wolfowitz and Bolton are the wrong people at the wrong time. |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
I would like to apologise if I offended you in any way, sorry mate. I don't mean offence, but I shouldn't label you because I hate being labelled myself.
All of the Democratic leaders knew the exact same things that Bush and Wolfowitz knew in early 2003, and all had made statements in the late 1990s and early 2000s that Saddam Hussein was one of terrorism's greatest friends. They all also believed that he had WMDs, as did the leaders of France, Germany, and Russia, as well as the US and Britain. I think that the Australian leadership had the same basic information and believed in the existence of the WMDs. |
Yes, we make unpopular foreign policy decisions, because so much of the world is envious of our prosperity and freedom. |
International Level: Negotiator / Political Participation: 453 45.3%