Hello everyone,
Well, I'll start off telling you how I got here. Which is a very simple, short story: During my search for an active RPG community, via the holy google search engine, I accidentally stumbled upon this place. And happily so. To be quite honest I've never encountered a community with so many strict rules before, but that's a good thing. I've seen too many communities gone bad because of the notorious god-modding, more-smilies-than-text posts, etc.
As you can see my main purpose around here is to Role Play, but since there are so many options I'm not sure if I'll keep it at that
To tell some more about myself:
I'm 18 years old, female (as you've undoubtedly have noticed) and Dutch.
I have trying to improve my English writing skills over the past few years and RPG is a fun way to do so. Please don't hesitate to correct me when I make a mistake! It's the only way I'll ever learn.
And for those interested in my interests, here they are:
Reading books: (yes I am a bookworm. I read everything from the Lord of the Rings trilogy to detectives)
Movies: I like recent comic book inspired movies movies like V for Vedetta and Blade Trinity, but also movies like the Shawshank Redemption and the Green Mile. Not really into the comedy thing, I'm afraid.
writing: the fact I'm here for RPG pretty much says it all. And I write short stories.
sports: you name it, I'm in for it. Martial arts, swimming, running, basketball....
Well, that's all that comes to mind for now. If you want to know more about me, then: fire away!
Wow that's what I call a fast reply! Thanks for the warm welcome. It's nice to see that people from all over come here. Also, because I'm a newbie, I'm not really sure how this board works yet...Could you tell me how to update my profile?
Ah....just another case of not looking in the right direction.....(in other words: I've found it. )
Edited: LDS_forever on 4th Jun, 2006 - 8:49pm
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