A great movie, especially if we consider the 2 lead actors (Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington) and their performance. My favorite scene if when Andrew Beckett listens to the music and "translates" the music.
See here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107818/
This is one of few movies that have made me cry at the end. Denzel and Tom Hanks did a great job in this movie of bringing the emotion to the watcher. Most people felt genuinely sorry for Hanks character by the end of the movie. The movie it self was great all around spawning a great movie single by Bruce Springstein.
I was flipping through the channels one day when I came across Philadelphia at first I didn't know what was going on but as I watched it I realized that this is one of the most powerful movies ever. If it doesn't make you see that those who are gay are just has human as the rest of it then you are stone cold and I pity you.